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Recent Blog Posts

It finally happened. A call from the police at 5am.

Chmmy's picture

It finally happened. A call from the police at 5am. SD25 was found in a parking lot asleep in her car...not in a parking spot just the lot. They took her to the police station and called daddy to pick her up instead of arresting her and charging her with DUI. They needed someone sober to pick her up. She was incoherent and couldn't even tell them her address. They used SDs phone to call my husband. Once she sobered up they talked to her about if she hurts or kills someone she will be in prison and daddy won't be a le to pick her up. She could be in jail for 25 years.

Anxiety coming back - vent

floralsm's picture

I need a good vent. SD is a clone of BM and now I have the anxiety I used to have with BM allll over again as SD is now acting exactly like her in my own home. Unfortunately DH is playing right into her hand and thinking I am the one at fault. I have also been crowned to have one of the worst BMs on this site so I am not surprised SD behaviour is being fine tuned to act exactly like her mother. 

Do any of you guys have an SK who ignores you but...

Spideyfan000's picture

Says "Hello", "Good morning", or "How are you"? Like as in most of the time they don't say anything to you and even don't acknowledge until you say something? I dealt with this with my two SS's (You know what happened if you've read my previous post) and it seems like a shit ton of SP's on here have SK's like that.


BM is pissed

CastleJJ's picture

DH and I booked a cruise for SS12's spring break next year. Since we know how BM operates, we booked a cruise that fell smack dab in the middle of SS' spring break, with two days on either side as a buffer for travel. BM knew months ago that we were considering this. 

Because we are traveling internationally with SS and DH does not have legal custody and/or share the same last name as SS, the cruise line advised us to have a consent form from BM so there aren't any issues with international border control. It isn't a requirement, but more of a precaution for ease of travel.  

Mendez Brothers...anybody else watching? Does it freak you out a bit?

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Hello all, 

I am NOT a paranoid person but I finished the Mendez brothers series on Netflix...there were some scary parrallels that I see at times. This is not influenced by the series - I have been observing this for years. For the record I have adult SKIDs, but these behaviors also showed up when they were kids. 

Behaviors such as:

LOCKING my bedroom door because sometimes a slight fear enters my mind that I am in a bit of danger with the SKIDs. No one has actually attacked me but it still enters my mind sometimes.

OSD’s mental health

Felicity0224's picture

I think I've shared here recently that OSD went through a severe mental health crisis her senior year of high school that led to intense inpatient treatment and has been medicated ever since. It took a lot of trial and error to find the right mood stabilizer, anti-depressant, and anxiety med combo, but when we did, it was like she became a different person. 

Warning: parents who are enablers - The consequences are playing out in real time over here

AlmostGone834's picture

I came across this article I thought would be interesting to many of you who are dealing with enabling parents. I linked it at the bottom but here are the highlights (with how it is playing out page by page in my life).

What is an enabling parent?

Stepdaughter Problems

Annoyed518's picture

Me and my husband started dating when stepdaughter was 3 years old. We married 2 months into knowing each other and have been married for 6 years. When you know you know. He told me about his daughter and how she was not easy to deal with but me being me I thought children are children and how bad could she really be? I have 2 kids of my own, at the time my sons were 1 and 5. My 5 year old is autistic.

