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OT Sociopathic Employers Part 5

Lillywy00's picture

*trigger warning...gender issues"

I've had about 6 managers in 6 months and my current manger is a complete c*nt!

This itchB had the audacity to write me up for taking "too much" pto, tried to forced me to write my comments to it while I was sharing my screen, then giggled while she gaslit me into thinking she was trying to "help" me improve 

summer trips

alwayslast1978's picture

My wife and I are both teachers and we always take her kids on a trip which I dread, mostly due to my SS9.  I have been in the picture for 5 years and they are with us half time.  Whilehe can be kind and a good kid, he can also be very pushy and obnoxious at times.  My biggest frustration is that my wife never calls him on or even recognizes this behaviot.  At the pool, he was acting like a 5 year old.  He is 9 and can swim but wouldnt go anywhere without mom or his sister.  He starts to bug endlessly until they go which is very irritating.  He starting whining in a baby voice which I shut

Family Court madness continues

strugglingSM's picture

So, today, DH's lawyer sends him a message from BM's attorney demanding we provide financial info within 30 days and threatening action if we don't. 

We still have not received any financial information from BM and DH's lawyer sent her request on May 23rd. And no indication in the lawyer's message about whether that information is forthcoming. 

Awww..we have another little Idiot....aka spend spend spend

halo1998's picture

SD......age 18 has a partime job.  For graduation MA got her a hotel room in a sunny state down south on the ocean.  He paid for the room and airline tickets for SD, her friend and DD.  (DD is going since she is 23 and can get the keys to the hotel room).  

Ah....the only thing MA told SD she had to pay for we her food and entertainment down there.  Ah...coool....

To get ready for said vacation SD has spent the following:

$50 on a pedicure

$150 on a manicure/nails

$100 on false eyelashes

When to step in?

Reb86's picture

As a step parent, when is the time to step in regarding behavior, teaching manners, rules, etc? I guess what I am really asking about is teaching manners. When do I start making this a lesson we are going to work on with my 6yr SD? Why haven't I already? Part of me feels like it's not my place. Part of me thinks she's still young and there's time to just be a kid and goofy and gross. Let's face it, kids are gross! Part of me thinks it won't take because my SO can be pretty gross himself. 

Update to SS disrespect

RockyRoads's picture

Recap. SS is extremely disrespectful to SO and BM had added on.  I ended up being away for 5 days. I needed it , but I do like to be in my own space with all my fur babies and not at someone else's house.  SO told BM he is not taking SS to anything but actual games and it will only be half of them, she has to do her share. No more private practices.  He told her he is not going to give anything for SS driving because SS is too immature. He will not pay or drive SS to basketball if he decides to stay on the team.

Should I continue paying rent?

natalie's picture

So I made two previous posts on here about a situation I was dealing with where my SO's 15 year old son moved in with us and started becoming aggresive with our cat and I had to take her to my mom's house. Shortly after that I made a decision to move in with my mom for the time being for multiple reasons including issues within our relationship, our apartment being too small for the 3 of us and financially. My goal was for us to work on ourselves and for me to get my debt paid off and work on my credit and he could focus on his son. We are still together and still love each other.

DH May be Blowing It

Cover1W's picture

I don't want to add details here right now, but suffice it to say that I am concerned our marriage may not last much longer. He's currently away for the month, including him spending time with his family (this is a long story in itself), and some things have come to light so now I'm fully aware of, at least mostly, his situation.

I have a list of things to discuss with him when he returns and if he doesn't want to talk about it, stalls or doesn't answer truthfully, and refuses to get a marriage counselor I think we are done.

I did not expect it to go this way at all.

Toxic ex in coparenting situation

Reb86's picture

I am new here and hopefully I've found the right outlet to allow me to vent from time to time and to gain some insight and guidance from those who have been there. 
I've no kids of my own and marrying into my new Family with two stepchildren. A 16-year-old boy who has his own vehicle and comes over when he wants which is nice and a six-year-old girl that we have 50% of the time.  Both are great kids, smart, loving and kind.

There are some frustrations and issues related to the six-year-old and how coddled and spoiled she is, but I'll save that topic for another day.
