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Jmariel8's Blog

SKs claiming false abuse

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This post is for anyone who has gone through something similar. My SKs have falsely reported mistreatment and abuse in our home and their mom is playing along with it and has taken away DHs right via court till further notice. Of course he is devastated but now I fear DYFUS will come and being that this woman and her husband have their hands in police pockets I'm scared that my son will end up paying for their false allegations. I don't think the kids meant harm I think they told stories where she twisted words but now i honestly want nothing to do with them.


Older SK taking baby’s toys

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So I have a 8 month old and my SS10 keeps taking the babies toys. Has that happened to anyone else? He says he wants to be the baby and lays on the babies play mats when I put the baby to play and pretends to cry, now he wants to take baths again and wants bath toys which he hasn't done since he was 5. I get there might be some jealousy but his father gives him undivided attention when he's here to the point where I don't even exist. Is it wrong to want him not to play with the babies toys?


Last post update

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To recap the party was fine be it all very uncomfortable. I know what I got myself into with DH but the first two years we all were very separate for birthdays and everything. The only thing that brought us together was school and sports which is of course understandable and fine. However last year, 2 months before I became pregnant I asked if he wanted a big happy family w her her husband and her parents, in laws etc or would he have boundaries and keep it kind and cordial. He said boundaries, kind and cordial.


Ours Baby and an invasive BM

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Okay so here it goes. I’ve been with DH for four years, I have a SD11 and a SS9 and we just had a baby two months ago. From the moment I told DH I was pregnant it has been a nightmare. The entire pregnancy was spent talking about how he would never forget his first two especially his son. Every time I wanted to talk about the coming baby he would change the topic to SS9.
