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AlmostGone834's Blog

Don’t YOU care?

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With the next hurricane set to pass right over Little Idiot, DH has been (moderately) worried about her welfare. He's not at panic level... she is on the opposite side of the state as to where it will make landfall... but none the less, he's concerned. Me? I'm concerned too. I'm concerned for the people and animals of FL anytime they get hit with a storm. I just am not concerned for Little Idiot. Honestly a hurricane could wash her away and it would just be one less stress in my life. I feel awful for feeling that way but again, I do. My heart goes out to everyone else however. 

Warning: parents who are enablers - The consequences are playing out in real time over here

AlmostGone834's picture

I came across this article I thought would be interesting to many of you who are dealing with enabling parents. I linked it at the bottom but here are the highlights (with how it is playing out page by page in my life).

What is an enabling parent?

How do I explain it? The Christmas invasion

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Little Idiot (SD24.5) was fired from her bartending job. I don't know how. From everything I heard, the manager there was permanently checked out and didn't gaf what went on... yet somehow she managed to lose that job. I don't know what went down but my guess was her laziness and unreliability finally got to him. 

On social media, LI has been running around with this woman (her new bff). I can't even say girl anymore. They are both adult women and this newest friend looks to be just as trashy as all her other friends have been. She's also 30.

iPhone drama

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It's time to upgrade our phones... we get free upgrades through TMobile every year assuming the trade in is in good working order. Problem is Little Idiot told us her phone was cracked.... which might make it ineligible for trade in. Last time this happened we ended up paying a couple hundred extra on our first bill because she cracked her last phone. They still accepted it though but this time it is worse. The phone before that was also cracked but it was a small crack on the edge they didn't catch so... no extra charge that time.