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Life in plastic - A rant

AlmostGone834's picture

Update to my post the other day: Still no idea what is going on with LI and why she went on a pregnancy test buying spree but she posted anoth thirsty selfie today and the usual fans came out of the woodwork to shower her with compliments (which I believe is the whole point) and so I'm thinking you all were right about her not being pregnant. Only time will tell but she doesn't seem to be too bothered if she's back to her old fishing for compliments. 

The Mermaid - Reality Vs Fantasy & Pseudo Science

Rags's picture

I have mentioned The Mermaid in the past.  She attended my Military School though after me and I never knew her.  She invests heavily in her persona as a Mermaid.  Countless $$$, endless time, etc... I get that it is an escape from her very painful history.

The situations that sent her to  Military School were apparently that she was a problem child raised mostly by her GPs due to her toxicity to her parents and sibs.  When her GPs had enough, off to Military School. She joined the service after HS which was not a particularly positive experience for her.

Family Court just loves HCBMs

strugglingSM's picture

BM filed a "modification petition" for CS and postsecondary support in April. DH didn't receive notice of it until May. The petition did not include any financial information (as required by law) or any specifics on what SSs plan to do now that they've graduated from high school. Under our state's law, DH had 20 days to respond or he would be "defaulted" and essentially the court could order him to pay whatever BM requested (or would guess what his income was and demand he pay that). So, we got DH a lawyer who responded in that timeframe and requested financial documents.

So about SD and MA...I have made some decisions

halo1998's picture

Thank you to everyone that resonded etc...


Here is what I have so far...

1.  I will give MA the last 3k for her cosmetology school.  It will be a gift and I will not look back. I have the money so its not a hardship.  This way I can wash my hands of them both and know I tried to do my part.

2.  I will take the darn hamster and put it into the spare room where I can feed it and not look at the pig sty.  That way I will no longer have to see SD's room or have MA deal with it.  Plus the hamster will get more sun in there.

MA is on all time avoidant streak - UPDATED

halo1998's picture

update: MA went online and took a quiz to see if he is depressed. suprise it said he was mildly depressed.  (yea don't say....I thought the same).


I just need to get this out.....anywhere...

As we know SD is failing to launch and well  becoming a selfish little pita.  SMH...

So... Luciferette's husband kicked the bucket

used2beRutherford's picture

Starry called me this evening. I typically don't answer when she calls anymore, but she couldn't reach DH. She only calls me when she can't reach him first. 

Something inside compelled me to answer this call. She asked me if DH and I were busy this evening. She sounded flustered. Then she told me that her little sister (who is almost 19) called her "bawling her eyes out" and said that their stepdad died of a heart attack. 

He was 47.
