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Evil4's Blog

Update 2 to Work Abuse Situation

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Well, a colleague whom I have talked about in blogs before got another job. Her last day was Thursday. She's the one I named Spitfire because that's what she was. She was the one who brought down Bully Boss. On her last day, she decided to stir up a hornets' nest and went to the highest of the high including our new Head Hauncho and sang like a canary. She named me and another colleague as the main targets of the brutal bullies. She spoke about EVERYTHING that's been going on. Now a bunch of us have investigative interviews with mine being scheduled for next week.

OT: Sort of - Recipe Video of 2 Yr Old Cracking Egg..

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While searching for recipes on youtube, I came across this video. It's a cooking channel of a Japanese mom and her 2 year old DD demonstrating Japanese recipes. At about the 2:42 mark, I just about died laughing because the adorable little girl cracks an egg like a pro. I felt that posting the video link here is appropriate because of the frequent "is this normal" posts when sparents ask us if it's normal for their teenage SK to still not be able to cut their own meat or if their 30 something SK still can't do basic tasks.