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Rags's Blog

Back from our 30th Anniversary trip.

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It was great.  I was planning a week in Iceland. But, with recent career changes... again, we decided on an all points trip to Hawaii for 9 days.  This is or first use of a boat-ton of IHG points and ... last years trip to Kawai Hawaii Airlines screwed up big time and gave us a ton of vouchers. So, 9 days on the big island and all we paid was for the rental car, food, tours/activities, and shopping.

The Mermaid - Reality Vs Fantasy & Pseudo Science

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I have mentioned The Mermaid in the past.  She attended my Military School though after me and I never knew her.  She invests heavily in her persona as a Mermaid.  Countless $$$, endless time, etc... I get that it is an escape from her very painful history.

The situations that sent her to  Military School were apparently that she was a problem child raised mostly by her GPs due to her toxicity to her parents and sibs.  When her GPs had enough, off to Military School. She joined the service after HS which was not a particularly positive experience for her.

SParents should run the world. We know how to fix idiot spawn.

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Lets talk Enviro-Terrorist idiocy.

Lets protest some unfounded envirobullshit by spraypainting Stone Henge.



If SParents could raise all kids without interference, we would not have to see stuff like Stone Henge spray painting dipshits.

Those kids would never be seen after some dumbass teen bullshit.

Inspired by Juanita the chicken transitioning into Juan the rooster. Bringing you Therians.

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By the way, thanks for that lol CLove.

I was tracking a Step subreddit. A kid posted on an abusive SM scorching her scalp with a hair drier as a young child and being sneekily abusive.  

I commented advising the kid to tell her school in invoke the mandatory reporter process.  She declined and commented that her dad and family would not be supportive of any consequences for SM because she came as out...get this... a non binary therian.

FTF is a therian one may ask? I had to look it up.


Skid update (I need advice) & June 2nd big deals for the Rags's

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First, the good news.

June 2. A big day for my family.

Today is mom and dad's 62nd anniversary.  My niece and her DH blew the doors off the anniversary gift for mom and dad, the first GGK was born this AM.  8lb 9oz baby girl. How that came out of my tiny little size 2 niece is mind boggling.  Anyway. Only the second baby girl in the Rags clan... ever. Her mama was the first.  My heart is warmed that mom and dad have made it  to 62 years of marriage healthily, happy, together, and that my niece and the baby are healthy.

A wonderful day for my family on many levels.

O/T - Ughh. Sitting at work, waiting....

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I have a contractor in the plant today doing some installation work.  So, I am sitting here on a Saturday finding anything I can to distract me from writing procedures. Which I detest writing.

The vision that my boss and the execs aligned on when I accepted the job was that I would define, build, tool, staff, lead, and replicate the organization I was hired to deliver. 

A decidedly pleasant and nondrama SpermLand visit with the IL clan.

Rags's picture

DW flew out Wed AM at the butt crack of dawn to spend some time with my MIL. As usual, DW did not just see her mom, she crammed in time with anyone and everyone immaginable.  Though at least this time she did not exhaust herself doing it.  I flew to SpermLand Friday evening. DW and MIL picked me up at the airport and we headed the 2hrs south back toward DW's small town, dropped MIL of at her sister's house to pick up her car about 20miles from the small town my IL clan lives in.

Petty, cringing, visceral revulsion, my skin is crawling gag moment.

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When DW is getting ready to visit her family she starts using voice inflections, speech paterns, and facial expressions that are a family thing.  Beyond the IL clan family tone, inflections, wording, etc... are  the additional and amplified version mY SIL uses.  DW adopts a few things that are very similar to what my thief assed POS lying weasle of an SIL does though without the whiney "I'm spe.....cial" toddler thing that the POS SIL does.
