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Whose Skids Are These?

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Had 3 applicants over the last 2 days (who apparently can't read either--my ad says credit score of 600 required minimum) apply to one of my apartments and here are their credit scores:

451,  489, 460

Ages 53,  36, 27 respectively.   I.just.can't.  If I had a credit score like that I would be embarrassed to apply.

I just keep hearing the fail horn from The Price is Right.

Man-O-Pause Rant

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Aka Grumpy old man.  Chef has always been arrogant and haughty but he just seems to be getting worse and worse.  He's completely off his blood pressure meds now and has gone back to his own routine of drinking and eating whatever he wants. 

Chef is Doing better.

thinkthrice's picture

I can tell because he's snapping at me and being sarcastic which will eventually lead to full blown yelling at me/ blaming me for things I have no control over or for things that are actually his fault.

He was a wreck there for a while... his toenails were blue/purple his knees were swollen visibly and all of his joints were aching.  Took him a whole week to recover and he is still taking it easy.  He did manage to put in a new patio door (with my help, of course) which we needed desperately.  The old patio french doors were quite literally falling apart.

Grumpy Old Sick Men

thinkthrice's picture

So Chef has come down with something...again.  He went off his health kick about a month ago.   I'm convinced he's lowered his own immune system by fretting over the aging process... can't eat what he used to, can't do this or that, being very pessimistic in general and well, being bitchy to me.

"Third time this week"

thinkthrice's picture

Went to an estate attorney yesterday to tighten up my will and put the rentals in a revocable trust.  Of course I came on my own as Chef wouldn't like the details on my will. LOL

The attorney was very nice and she completely understood how I just wanted Chef to have life use of the house and not any access to any of the other assets since he arrived on my threshold with nothing but the shirt on his back and I basically paid his child support for almost 20 years as well as his room and board.

Surrogate Skids

thinkthrice's picture

As you may know, all 3 of my horrific skids are now adults in their twenties and have been officially PASed out for 15 years now (16 if you count the older two).

But Chef has former co-workers, one in particular, who is about the age, possibly older than Pumpkinhead (OSS stb 28).  He always adds a "Y" to the end of his surrogate skids names (ex. Dave becomes "Davey", etc)

Well "Davey" who is married to a BM with her kids and an ours kid, is always crying "poor mouth" which i don't care for-- And I've told Chef so.  To me a sign of ill breeding.

Food Wars Continues

thinkthrice's picture

So before we left on vacation, Chef had a fit over me not cooking up boatloads of hamburgers out of the freezer.  I told him cooking then up and throwing most of them out bc we were going out of town for 1.5 weeks is NOT "using up" its WASTING!  He immediately assumed a threatening tone with me and said "don't plan any more vacations!"  I said "fine" and I would go on my own.   
