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Having trouble figuring it out - Update

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I posted last month about my ambivalence about meeting with SD62:s daughters, C and M, and their kids as each had suggested.   DH86 had recently had words with M after SD62's latest $ emergency.  He had suggested SD62 call her kids rather than him and she had done so,  showing up at her son's work and causing a scene.  She is now banned from that site.

DH86 spoke calmly with M that day but afterwards, said he was done with her.  So, when I told him i was meeting with her and the kids, he said he'd be asleep.

Having trouble figuring it out

JRI's picture

SD62 has 2 adult daughters, C and M, and both have 2 kids.  Each has reached out individually and want to meet up this summer.  M and I talked a few months ago about taking her kids to a children's museum.  Last night, C suggested coming over one day, bringing lunch and us sitting on the porch drinking wine and eating lunch.

I'm flattered and grateful that they want to see us.  I know they like to see DH who was a witty, fun grandpa to them.  C seems to remember the cooky baking sessions and would like for her sons to enjoy it, too.

Annual message: Prepare for Mother's Day

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Mothers Day is one of those potential emotional bomb fields for stepmoms, especially those with the stepkids living with them full time.   In the perfect world, we'd receive some flowers and a nice card with a few kind words.  Too often, nothing. I'm sure none of us are greedy for gifts, we just want some acknowledgment and thanks one day of the year for performing the difficult task of raising a child who isn't ours.

SD62 Vindicated

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Well, I was wrong.  SD62 did not take DH's $500 bail refund.  The 3 of us went to the Courthouse today and they cut a check for it while we waited.  They said, "It should have been mailed" but who knows what happened.

SD told me DH kept saying "just tell me the truth, you cashed it, right?". So, anyway, it ended well.

She didn't look good at all, is having multiple health issues, hands shaking.  DH was in raptures, "My 2 favorite people!". Altho she and I were lukewarm, he insisted on going out to lunch.

On and on.....

A difference of opinion

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We were doing our quarterly financial discussion yesterday.  I reminded DH86 that when he passes,  I will no longer be able to subsidize SD62's shelter expense since it's coming from his Social Security which will stop.  I often tell him this, hoping he will discuss with her so she can begin to plan.  He doesn't usually respond.

SO GLAD I didn't answer the phone

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SD62 called this morning, wanted $40, allegedly for cat food and litter.  DH 86 said no but he'd have it tomorrow when he gets his allowance.  Flash forward to this afternoon when her daughter M, called me.  I decided not to answer so she called DH.  She was incensed because SD62 showed up in an incoherent form at her brother, K's work.  K is manager of an upscale restaurant.  She was asking for the wrong name, her brother, T, who lives out of town.  She wanted $60.  Apparently it was a bad situation and security escorted her out.  She sped off, hitting an officer's car.  The police were in

SD62's Legal Probs, part 2

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Well, we were all wrong.  SD62 did find her way to the courtroom at 9 Tuesday.  DH just spoke to her, I had already seen another vourt date in March.

She says this was a preliminary hearing.  She liked her public defender who she had not met in person.  I believe those are facts.  Then, we veer into what might be the "SD Spin Area for Dad" section where the lawyer said, in effect, it will all go away and don't worry.  Uh huh.

Just an update, guys.  I could hear her voice and she sounded subdued.  She will be here tomorrow so we will see.

SD62's Legal Probs: A Quiz

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SD62 participated in a credit card scam almost 3 years ago.  She's been dodging court ("They never let me know!") and it's been continued many times.  Finally last year, a warrant was issued and SD62 was arrested in October during a traffic stop.  Due to overcrowding and her promise to appear, she was released but never appeared.  She was arrested again last month during another traffic stop and jailed.  DH86 had to bail her out with $500.
