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Recent Blog Posts

Keep STBX/SS on my insurance?

Krissy's picture

My health benefits at work are fully paid for myself and all of my dependents. Because STBX was ordered to provide insurance for SS, I just put him on my policy because it costs me nothing. SS has had a few health issues, but nothing too troublesome. I have had to make two or three calls to the insurance company to straighten minor issues out, but there hasn't really been much of an problem.

A Little About Me

Alysia's picture

Hi all! I am so happy I found this site today. I have had alot of issues to deal with, and I made a post today about it. The "I Wish I Would Have Found This Board Years Ago." I honestly do, because I didn't have anyone to talk to in my situation, or would even begin to understand what I was dealing with. I do have one step son at home, and I hate that term. He's always been my boy. I love him with all of my heart and he is my own. Now my step daughter who is 16 and no longer living at our home, put my family through hell. I do not hate her regardless of all of this.

co-parenting counseling - good or bad?

sacto_madre's picture

My fiance just completed custody mediation for the second time - to formalize and informal visitation arrangement - whcih the BM lied about the amount of time we have SS. This is just to avoid losing child support. So on that note, the mediators report, the court ordered both bio parents to attend co-parenting sessions - together or apart. They agreed to go together. Now I have issues about them going together - because BM still wants him back and anything she can do to exclude me from being involved with SS is her ideal goal.

Evil has cockroach endurance!

goldenlife's picture

"Evil has cockroach endurance".

This line was in a Dean Koontz novel I just finished, "The Husband". And damn, if it didn't remind me of BM!

We just found out we are going back to court! Last year it was to TERMINATE visitation and this year it is to ENFORCE visitation, make up your mind, EVIL ONE! But we all really know it's about one thing and one thing only - MONEY!!!!!!


step mom of 1's picture

I am having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!YIPE!!!!!!!! We have not told ss yet we are giong to wait until I am at least 3 months before we tell him. We are just trying to get ajusted to the idea of more than one child in this house. I am or course not breathing a word of this to bm who will stress me out. So as of now mum's the word, with a few exceptions. So someone tell me what it will be like with a bio-child and ss. What kind of problems will I face???:)

BM makes me sick to my stomach...

bonusmom's picture

Okay so BM was nice enough to meet my mom on Wednesday so that we could have sd for the weekend, or should I say she had big plans for the weekend so she was bound and determinded to get rid of sd some how even if it meant making things easy for hubby and I...she even told sd on Saturday morning that she would meet us where ever we wanted on Sunday to pick her up...RIGHT...We knew better than that crap...So Sunday morning sd called her mom to see if she could meet us about an hour from her house...(we live 4 hrs away from bm and we were already about 2 hrs out of our way) she asked to speak

Nasty Confession...I feel like Garbage right now..

septembers_child's picture

I havn't posted for a while because I have been thinking about so many things..

We got "the orders" two weeks ago..While I can't disclose when..I can say what has been put out in the media...15 months (at least) in Baghdad and they leave the middle of August...

We all share similar situations

jisselle's picture

Hello to all of you I have not been on here for a few days and just read some comments on my recent postings. It seems to be that a certain member thinks I am someone she knows. If she read my Bio. She would know that is near to impossible. No matter how near or far being a stepparent is pretty much the same anywhere and we all share in the struggles of life.

How long do I wait?

Mocha2001's picture

Almost 3-weeks ago (on Sunday) I sent BB a 5-page letter. Basically it was asking her why she does the things she does, why she says the thing she does, etc. She thinks DH is a horrible father, he's not, and I asked her why she thought this. It was a bunch of questions. It was not disparaging to her in any way, and may even have been considered as "pleading" with her to understand why she isn't letting DH be the father he wants to be to SS.
