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wifey's picture

OK to begin with I met my now husband 10 years ago. He had a daughter with a previous girlfriend, for many years the mother kept the girl from him because he left her. Nonetheless when we moved in together, we went for visitations. Over the next several years things begun to get better. After 6 years she finally met someone else. Things started to change, the boyfriend was controlling thus she was not able to maintain a reasonable relationship with either of us. We tried to get shared custody of the girl and the judge did not see it our way.

Most recent frustration is...............

starreyedworkingmom's picture

Our stepdaughter spent this weekend w/ us and my two daughters. They are very close in age and they were playing basketball w/ some neighbor friends. Well next thing I know one of my daughters and stepdaughter run in to the batheroom. I go to see what is going on and my daughters finger is dripping in blood, she had fallen ( or so i thought ) and scrapped her finger very badly. I thought how sweet of my stepdaughter to try and help her w/ a bandage. Well I had to intervein cause the scrape was so bad. Later after stepdaughter goes home I find out the real story from my other daughter.

Having a lot to be thankful for...

apd's picture

Thanksgiving was really nice and relatively quiet. BM took kids to Ohio to some relatives and SD ended up getting sick which is unfortunate. So we didn't get to see the kids at all until yesterday we had SS. We had a really nice day and BM didn't interupt us to much. I have to say that things have been going well and am thankful for that. I'm thankful for finding this site and for the support that I get here. I'm thankful for BF and that he loves me very much and of course am thankful for the SS and SD as they teach me things all the time.

I need Advice... Please someone help me.

DeathDealer's picture

I got divorced because my ex-wife was cheating on me with another man. During our marriage we had a beautiful baby girl who I love more than life itself. We'll now we have joint custody but she has placement of the child. I only get to see her a few days out of the week and I hate it. We'll anyway she finally admitted to me that she actually cheated and it was with the guy she is with now.. and oh yeah shes pregneat with his child.. and oh yeah I've only been divorced 5 months and oh yeah it was about 2 years ago that this affair went on behind my back and now there together again..


Nymh's picture

This last visitation has been worse than most of the others, and I fear things are only going downhill with her. Lately, every time BF calls to talk to his son he's told "Don't call here again or I'm calling the police". We got a letter the other day from her lawyer stating that BF supposedly called her 40 to 50 times over the course of the last visitation and it was considered harrassment. It went on to say that BM and her attorney are trying to keep BF out of legal trouble. It also said that BF was encouraging his son to tell BM lies and threatened to beat him if he didn't.

BM didn't even care

SteppedOn's picture

BM went to her sister's out of town and SS didn't go with her. BM doesn't even care if the kids are with her and instead of SD realizing that and being with the people who want to be with her, she chooses not to come in at all. At least hopefully SS sees it.

Didn't even call

SteppedOn's picture

First year away from home for college. "Insistant" not to come home for T-Day even though she's only 3 hours away. She didn't even bother to call her dad let alone anyone else.

I was proud of hubby that he didn't call her either. Usually he gives in and would never know what she would have done.

Also, parents day at college came and went (we found out after the fact) and she never bothered to call him to tell him.

Please keep in mind that outside of the SD's irrational thoughts, there're NO problems between us.

Well I hope everyone had a ................

lylagarrett's picture

Happy Thanksgiving! I felt pretty good yesterday so we went out to my uncle's house for dinner. Had an enjoyable time and came home to nap for a bit. We never heard a word from SS or SD, but really never expected to either. To update on the insurance dilemna, we had to drop both children from the plan. Also, found out that we should have contacted them the minute the SD was no longer enrolled in school. Of course, that's kind of hard to pinpoint since we had not seen or spoken to her until the week or so before her request to keep her on the insurance.
