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Thinks at 23 he could buy his own stupid socks.....

Flippinexhausted's picture

instead of coming into our room to get socks out of our drawer.I told fiance,maybe you could buy him some socks and then realizing what I had said,changed it to,you know what why can't he buy his own FLIPPIN SOCKS?Crap,they've brainwashed me into thinking he's a freakin kid!


TheOtherMom's picture

Today the kids left with BM for the summer.
I am really trying to just enjoy DH but I am scared.
And what the heck is this pain in my chest? Those little snots have touched me so deeply that I can't seem to bear being without them.


mommylove's picture

Just found out SD11 will NOT be spending the summer with us! H asked BM to contibute to the childcare bill & just as I suspected she said it was too much money & decided to put her in another childcare program by her house the was MUCH cheaper & H will b contibuting to that instead.


mommylove's picture

Well, I did it. I finally had the talk I'd been planning to have w/H, only it didn't go quite as planned. I just said things weren't working & I didn't want to live like this anymore, & we never got to the "why" because he just agreed that we should separate.


violetforest's picture

There are so many events that have happened over the past several years that have lead up to this point. I will say that I am sorry if it seems like I am jumping all over and I will attempt to maintain a direct course. (Just think of it as one of those movies that jump backwards and then forward again)


violetforest's picture

My first entry on the site. I thought that I would give you a little background. I am searching for support and information. I am the mother of 6 children and as of October we will also have our 1st grandchild. My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years, we were show chior dance partners in high school, he a wrestler and I a cheerleader, both of us were very active in school, worked since we were 14 years old and have a history of simular backgrounds. BUT there was not a love interest during that period of our lives.

Big week this week...

mermaid33's picture

SD12 is graduating 6th grade on Thursday. BM promised SD12 that she will be there. She better not call and ask me to come pick her up. She is out of her mind. She is the parent it is her responsibility to get there. A little tiny part of me hopes that she does not come. I feel like if she is there I am going to feel out of place. She is just so loud and obnoxious and will make it a point to make sure that everyone knows that she is the real mother. GAAA But I know that what is best for SD is that her mother is there. I am excited about the day though.

How do you become the matriarch of a family that is currently made up of someone else's biological children?

futuremrs.k's picture

I have always dreamt of being this loving mother who makes everyone comfortable as soon as they are home. Makes the cookies, dinner, overflowing with hugs and advice, etc. Which I feel I have successfully created at my household for the most part. But, then there are the times when I go to school events and not only am I not in the front seat of my own life anymore, I barely feel like I'm in the car! How do you SM's have the confidence to just stand up and be who you are while BM is around? I get so self concious because I feel like she has to throw out the Mommy word to everyone.

Apparently it's OK for BM to eat our food now?

stepsoftly's picture

Darling SD8 just came in to get her stuff that goes to her mom's house each week with her, as she does each Monday after school when she's going there. She was happy and sweet and gave hugs, and then, total weirdness.
SD: "Can I have that Lunchable from the fridge?"
FDH: "Sure, go grab it."
As she heads to the kitchen, she calls back, "My mom wants it."
FDH: "Your mom wants it-- to eat?"
SD: "Yeah"
FDH & I stare at each other in disbelief. I start to giggle and answer his confused look with "I don't know!" He whispers "But what the f***?"
