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MIL is so petty but it makes me laugh

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MIL is a social media wh*re. Loves using it to get attention and promoting the favorites of the grandchildren. Lots of passive aggressive posts when shes mad and poor me posts also. She posts tons and tons of pictures of SD and very rarely posts any of any of our other kids unless they're major attention getting ones - so birth announcements or that type of thing that normally get alot of likes, but yet she had the nerve to chew out DH (who rarely uses social media) for not putting enough pictures up of SD and too many of the other kids.

Anxiety still

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Even with last week that SD was here being better (I wouldnt say good, but better) my anxiety is through the roof knowing she will be here in the morning. 


The anticipation of it sucks. I hate the instant change in dynamics when she gets here. 

I think the guilt parenting might finally end

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Since DH has agreed to end the guilt parenting and stop centering our lives around SD a couple weeks ago hes actually been following through and doing a pretty good job with it. Ironically, now that hes stopped all the evidence keeps getting thrown in his face that theres no reason to be feeling sorry for her and spoiling her.

DH is actually trying

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After our discussion last Friday DH seemed to actually be trying last weekend to stop with the guilt parenting and treating SD differently than the other kids. I sent him one of the responses on my last post about difference between wife and kids (big thanks to Iamwoman) and he seemed to actually take it seriously. I could tell he felt awkward and uncomfortable actually disciplining SD and not catering to her, so while I appreciate his effort I'm nervous about if he will be able to keep it up or not.

Difference between wife vs child

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Alright, DH is finally actually discussing the guilt parenting and midwife behaviors. So that i dont leave anything out and since alot of you all are much better at explaining these things then me - what's the best way to explain the mini wife stuff and how you should treat a wife vs a child? Specific examples are good 

Dh saw my post

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So DH saw me typing up my "Ew" post from last night and asked about it. When we got home later he asked why I did and I said "I was getting annoyed and I'm sure you didnt want to hear about it." A little while later he came out and asked why I was annoyed and looked sad but didnt argue it at all. Pretty stark contrast to how he reacts when I actually bring up something directly with him. 


Jcksjj's picture

Out to eat for SDs bday. This is the first time I've went out to eat with her in a little over a year after refusing to after an incident on the 4th of July last year. 

The whole meal has been SD flirting with daddeee - touching him across and under the table, staring at him until he looks and then making "cute" faces, I love you daddy's out of nowhere over and over etc. I feel gross watching it. DH is trying to ignore it but cant hide that he thinks some of it is cute. Once a year is definitely enough of this.

Pointless circular discussions with DH

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DHs responses to any concern I ever bring up about anything:

First hes instantly angry and defensiveness regardless of what I say

No matter what the topic is he instantly responds with well do YOU do that? Or if it's about his mom or whoever else: well YOUR mom does that too. It always ends up flipped around to a discussion about something he claims to be angry about 

The dread before skid week

Jcksjj's picture

In the last 3 weeks I've only seen skid for a total of about 8 hours. She doesnt come back until Monday and the dread and anxiety is already through the roof just thinking about next week since DH just brought up what she wanted for her bday (which we will be celebrating this week). Its a catch 22 - longer break is nice but then it's even worse when its over.
