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thinkthrice's Blog

If You Have A New Iphone... O/T Sort Of

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Turn off "wireless assist." It's on by default which means if you are in an area where the wireless signal isn't that strong, the Iphone will start using your data plan instead of warning you about the low wireless signal.

This could mean an unexpected enormous bill-especially if s/kids are on your account.

O/T Cute Furbaby Story

thinkthrice's picture

I have two cats. A 16 yr old female siamese mix (apple head, medium length hair with lilac pointing) and a 9 year old male bombay. Yesterday it was quite frigid here (still is) at about 10 degrees F. So I went home during mid day on my lunch break to re-stoke the two wood stoves.

It dawned on me a few minutes into it that my bombay was nowhere to be seen. He is VERY shy around strangers and will run when we have company (probably due to post traumatic SKID syndrome as the two youngest skids were and still are animal torturers.)

Poor StepDaddyBigBucks--Seems He's Just An ATM Afterall

thinkthrice's picture

SDBB had his birthday this week. Absolutely ZERO greetings from his wife, the Girhippo, nor any of his wonderful skids (OSS, 19, SD, 17 or YSS 13)

Nothing. Radio Silence.

He got a lot of greetings from HIS family--they must feel bad for him! Although one of the Gir's aunts wrote in and called him a "good family man."

Trotting out "The List" for Some of the Newbies Who Have Recently Discovered This Forum

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here it is; my collection of "common themes" that kept cropping up early in the relationship:

1. Does your man allow co-sleeping with his children? (aka the kiddies routinely jump into bed with him at night)

2. Does he have to lie down with them to get them to sleep?

3. Do the children seem somehow "stunted" socially? Do they have poor hygiene habits, eating habits, bedtime habits?

4. Does your man subscribe to the "one big happy family" model? (expects you to love his children as much as or more than him)

Christmas Miracle: 8332 Forms Arrived!!

thinkthrice's picture

And thank God for Chef's attorney!!

There's no way that Chef could have done an order to show cause pro se without getting creamed by the Girhippo.

Seems Chef's attorney had a chat with the Girhippo's attorney in which he pointed out the many violations of the CO done by said Girhippo.

The next couple days after that little chat, the forms miraculously arrived after trying all year on his own to get them.

Would Be Side Dish Goes Running

thinkthrice's picture

Went to Chef's work's Xmas party. A co worker that Chef was touting was there. She's about my age but thinner and much more "crinkly" (smoking, sun damage, drugs etc) A lot like Chef's older half sisters. Anyway I could tell this woman was sweet on Chef yet she could never be a sugar mama (high school drop out and strictly pink collar) She made it a point to sit very close to Chef. I'll call her "Jackie"

Thank GOD for Chef's New Attorney!!!

thinkthrice's picture

Apparently Chef's new attorney knows and likes the Girhippo's attorney. Seems the Gir's attorney knew that the Gir is basically a self-serving, greedy, unreasonable, CU next tuesday.

Well the 8332 forms are now signed by the Gir. Although she had ZERO intention of returning them had the attorneys not gotten involved.

I did send Chef's attorney a laundry list of violations of the MOU that were, of course, in the Gir's favour.

Of Course The Gir Did Not Return Form 8332

thinkthrice's picture

So it's ON!

Chef had a consult with his attorney who told Chef that this should be simple and really shouldn't waste the courts time, which he agreed but the fact of the matter is that the Gir believes that contracts and laws are for other people and not her to abide by.

Chef's attorney will be contacting the Girhippos attorney to see if they can resolve this without going to court.

All NCPs In NYS Should Check Your CS Statements Routinely

thinkthrice's picture

Apparently Chef was carrying an unknown arrearage of almost $1K the entire year of 2014. Chef doesnt get a tax refund but instead pays (thanks Obamacare) There was no COLA nor upward mod during 2013 nor 2014.

Chef changed employment five months after filing the down mod due to OSS's stealth emancipation. Down mod went through just after Chef changed employment. (Yeah I know, totally dumb on Chef's part) So Chef was only about $350 behind. He also stupidly quit his job thinking it was back in the 80s where he could get another job the next day!
