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Lalena75's Blog

How much is real and how much is attention seeking?

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This is my own DS he's 12 and lately had a huge chip on his shoulder. My rules, the house rules, the rules that have been and always will be the same the ones his dad (exH) and I put in place for both our kids and expect aren't any different as far as I'm concerned since SO moved in almost 2 years ago (actually yep 2 years this month).SO knows my rules but has been trying to "tweek"them it seems. Yet DS has been directly rude to SO, broken rules, argued with me and tonight yelled "shut up" at SO which resulted in an immediate pop in the mouth from me.

Your stupid is showing

Lalena75's picture

SO's kids had a half day it's SO's pick up day. CO says during the school year switches happen "at the school and the receiving parent picks up at the end of the school day." what does BM do? She picks up the kids and sits outside the school watches SO go inside and look for them then texts him that she has the kids outside! He responds send them to me and waits for the kids to come to him he will not play fetch. she explains that she didn't know if he was going to get them since they got out early, he responded he has a copy of the schedule.

It's NOT freaking hormones!

Lalena75's picture

Yes there will probably be cursing at this point. I'm hurt and frustrated and the straw was something simple. I just wanted to cook pizza in the oven. SO knew this, knew when I'd be home and had torn apart the stove and taken off the knobs to "clean them" he'd already come across as having a chip on his shoulder told my dd he was refusing to make dinner because ds and I wouldn't be home till later. She didn't help when she called to tattle on him and I got on her that no he doesn't have to cook.

Happy dance for SO's kids

Lalena75's picture

First yay it's Friday and they go back to their mom! Second yay SO was able to have the kids state insurance dropped from their mother and given to him so no more can she deny them a regular doctor and they can finally see a dentist! I'm proud of SO for listening and fighting for it even though dealing with government agencies is a pain, the last few texts of BM's stupidity put the nail in on her medicaid she flat out told SO that regardless if she had them on it or not if he wants to take the kids to a doc on his time he can pay for it.

This skeeves me out

Lalena75's picture

SO's kids randomly tell me their grandpa video tapes them getting in trouble, getting spankings SD says he sends them to people, as says he makes them watch how bad they are. Its the sending them that bothers me most but SO talked to them same story and he texts BM about it in kinda a wtf. She tells him his text is so stupid she refuses to respond and why would he ever think its wrote he can't tell her what to do blah nlah blah. I left when he was texting her about her sex offender dating history and current ex felon bf.

Two years I think BM finally got it

Lalena75's picture

She signed the divorce papers, finally they've been split up 4 years now, she started the divorce and just dragged it on and on and on, just to screw with SO and because well he had no way to fight. He thought because he had no lawyer he just had to take it. I came along and taught him documentation, and pro se. He got a great parenting plan even if it was less detailed than he wanted, he can beat her with it, until she gets right or has enough contempt to get it changed.

I haz big girl panties and I know how to wear them well. (long sorry)

Lalena75's picture

Please ignore the fact some of this is whiskey fueled. My exfil's celebration of life was today. Yes it was suggested I not attend. However I miss the ever loving crap out of that family and they are a great bunch of amazing, talented, loving, and intelligent people (something got missed passing that to exh but I digress) ExSMil asked if I would please come she missed me and knew I was likely to be of the most help and level headed, so I went, early to help set up. Make sure food was where it was supposed to be and hot or cold depending on what it was supposed to be.
