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ITB2012's Blog

Petty, but who do you bet is using my account?

ITB2012's picture

Unfortunately we are back to the damned video streaming account that is mine, that I pay for, that I had hidden from people until I got weak and showed DH one weekend a few years ago, which he then showed the kids, who then binge watched just about everything. So I put it on a personal device and changed the password. I told DS since it was a shared mom-son thing since we like to watch and discuss shows (like DH has father-son things with the skids). DH got bent out of shape when he somehow found out DS had it and wanted it for the skids.

Yes, DH you are THAT gullible and blind

ITB2012's picture

Last night DH and I were watching a show (and we've been binge watching it). He jokes that I'm just like one of the characters in the show, so I say that means he's that character's husband. There have been some spots where we both point at each other. In the episode last night one of the kids was doing something in-your-face wrong and the dad didn't catch it at all. The scene wasn't subtle, either. DH made a point to say that there's no way a parent wouldn't catch that and he wouldn't be that bad. I said that yes, there are parents like that. DH thought I meant him. I said I do mean him.

OT- DS rant on social distancing

ITB2012's picture

My DS19 is with his dad for a while (we are allowing him to switch households but only in huge chunks of weeks at a time). He called yesterday and during part of the call he mentioned that he hadn't seen a new girl he liked in two weeks. Turns out the day after he saw her two weeks ago she got together with about ten friends, twice. When she told DS about it he said he made some comments about it being inappropriate and unsafe and she asked if he really thought she was being stupid. And he told me he said yes.

LOL - I need alone time

ITB2012's picture

Yes, we are stuck at home. Now it's just me and DH. I realized the other night that I need some ALONE time. Like, no one in the house. I got a teeny, tiny bit last night for about 2 minutes. DH took the dog for a walk while I taught an online fitness class. I had about 2 minutes to chat when it was over before we all hung up and DH walked in right after.

It seems silly but I could really use some alone time. We have a separate garage and I went in there to work out the other day and it felt great. I may need to make that a habit.

May have or just had the Covid

ITB2012's picture

I was watching an interview and the person was describing their symptoms, which are some of the common ones and some that are not listed specifically, BUT are symptoms that I've had recently and for me were attributed to a sinus infection and possible other issues that we will pursue after this is over (thank goodness diagnosed over a telehealth appointment so I didn't have to go in). I showed the video to DH. Didn't say a word, just asked him to watch it. When the guy got to the part about his symptoms DH looks at me, like "holy crap", and also says that maybe I had/have it.

Shoot, DH is starting to crack

ITB2012's picture

Yesterday he mulled aloud that maybe when the weather is warmer he will invite the skids over for a picnic in the back yard, grill out, stay the appropriate distance.

Um, no. I stomped on that. I commented that he just told off his parents for the same thing AND what if they need to go inside, like to use the bathroom? I get that he wants to see them so I suggested that he do social-distancing fishing with them. He asked if he should meet them there. ?? (really?) Yes was my answer.
