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Not So O/T

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For those of you under the 50 yr old set, you may have not heard of the original Twilight Zone series which inadvertently predicted today's child centric "parenting."  Season 3, Episode 8, "It's a Good Life" depicts life revolving around a kid who has special powers.   All the adults walk on egg shells as the kid routinely disperses cruelty and controls the entire town. 

Not so Sci Fi!!

Looks like the HousesHitter YSS 18

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Has unofficially quit school.  He has been absent for a week before February break and continues to be absent after.  And no the Gir is not out of town.  The referrals have been coming in back to back for truancy (they don't like to use that word here in NY), ahem, unauthorized absences.

Practically BEGGING him to log on and giving him unlimited chances to rectify himself.  Nothing.  He's active on one of his Instagram accounts, however.  No part time employment either.  Guess his dog walking biz fell flat.


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One of the ferals relatives "cousins"  (in reality very closed age niece to the ferals--Chef was the youngest of a large brood) posted on her social media an anti-PAS post.  I will call her "Lolita."   Lolita's father (Chef's nephew who is about 5 years younger than Chef) is divorced from the BM.  These skids (2 girls slightly older than the 3 ferals) went through a bout of PAS but basically turned out slightly better than the ferals.  Both of Lolita's parents struggle with alcoholism.

The Animal Torturer (SD22)

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Is now working for DoorDash.   Funny how she used to post that she was flagrantly violating the motor vehicle laws a couple years earlier.  Perhaps she's matured?  NAAAH.   It is speculated that she was fired from her furniture sales job a year ago, possibly for fencing furniture.  I wouldn't put it past her to "taste" the orders on her way to the delivery address, either.  ewwww.

Now that the HousesHitter (YSS) is 18

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I think the Girhippo realizes that she cannot be charged with educational neglect per New York state laws.  Not that it stopped her before then as he was constantly truant since pretty much the fourth grade.  

We still get reports from the school almost every day in the mail with a paper tiger warning about the HousesHitter's truancy.  He seems to be skipping every day now.


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The HousesHitter (YSS 18) is now failing Varsity Chorus!   Say it ain't so!!!

Here are the low lights (comments) on his latest report card:

School policy requires a grade of 50 for 1st marking period; actual grade is lower.

Inconsistent effort has affected grades.

Student is not working to ability.

O/T Jack Frost Cocktail

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Makes 4 drinks (aka 1 SM drink)

3 cups crushed ice

1 cup pineapple juice (i didnt have any so used coconut milk)

1/2 cup vodka or light rum ( I used half and half lemon and coconut infused vodka)

1/2 cup blue curacao

1/2 cup cream of coconut

Decoration for glasses:

Chilled cocktail glasses

Light corn syrup

Flaked coconut

Decorate chilled glasses by slightly smearing some light corn syrup on the top edge of the glass then dip in flaked coconut

HousesHitter Turns 18...

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And he continues to have his accounts deleted in "mainstream" social media (haven't checked snapchat)  so no way to track if he has "left the mothership"  (CS goes to 21 here) unless the Gir's clan spills the beans.

However seeing as enmeshed as he is, I doubt he will leave mommykin's basement until well after age 21

I imagine he is on TikTok though...

Possibly a New Low in Grades

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Well at least it matches his age (until he turns 18 in the next few days).

Again, the HousesHitter (YSS) is failing every subject except for Varsity Chorus.  

Although he did manage to get a 66 in remedial special ed 11th grade English.  Problem is he is in the 12th grade and reads at a fourth grade level.  His math skills are a little past 3rd grade.

Truancy is the biggest issue; his absences, both in person and during remote learning sticks out like a sore thumb.  Zero homework or classwork completed.
