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thinkthrice's Blog

It Never Ends With Chef's Relatives

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Current AND former!   So today I happened to be working remotely and while I'm in the back room the doorbell rings.  I'm not expecting anybody so I don't answer it and think it is a delivery so I ignore it.

My knock-off ring doorbell chose an image of somebody who looks like a former employee that went nuts on the job and was eventually fired!

Five minutes later I get a call from Chef's ex step father-in-law!  (Backstory: Battle axe Galactica, the Girhippo's BM was married a zillion times) 

Possible Ulterior Motive Revealed

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Last year at this time, YSS (HousesHitter) turned 18 and the Girhippo was in an all fired hurry to have him removed from the CS roles even though CS goes to 21 by law here in good ol' BM-centric NYS.  It was always a puzzlement to me just why the Gir would want to refuse extra CS.  Well it occurred to me that tax year 2021 is the year of the "advanced child care credit" and that she had long before, signed that year to claim YSS for the last time over to Chef (form 8223 signed by her back in 2015).  2015 was the year when Chef FINALLY got a lawyer who slightly rectified all the abuse of the

UPDATE: Animal Torturer (SD23) Working at Local Med Office

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So I talked to the "Privacy Director" and she was rather dismissive; said that all employees are trained in HIPPA (duh).  I asked if there was psychological profiling done before hiring and she said no.  Then she added "we don't screen on ex family/divorce/marriage basis."

UGH The Animal Torturer (SD 23) Got a Job at the Local Medical Center

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Which is right around the corner from me (she lives in the next town over approx 10 minutes away from us).   I (and Chef) use this medical center and have doctors there.  She is a Patient Access Representative, not sure what that is, possibly a greeter or check in person, and I'm glad she is employed, but yeah, awkward!

O/T Train Your Higher Paid Replacements

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So I have decided to retire from my job January 31st after being told that I cannot have a change of title or a pay raise because I am doing a higher-level job as well as my own job.

No sooner than I told them I was leaving, they stated that my job will go back to the way it was at a higher level under a different department just like before I took it on.   Bonus: the grueling responsibilities of my own job that I have been doing as well as the higher-level job will be taken away!

BestBuy Enmeshment Commercial

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Has anyone seen the BestBuy ad on tv where it appears the mom and dad? are going on a trip somewhere.  The older teen daughter presents her mom with a hand made  3rd grade style greeting card as mom pulls out of the driveway. 

Mom reads the card at her destination (no dad? in must have dumped him off somewhere LOL)

Card reads something like i miss you mommy, hurry back.   I don't recall ANY teenager acting like that when i was that age... we wanted to get AWAY from our parents.

Happy Krampusnacht!

thinkthrice's picture

If your skids are (or were) horrid, spoiled creatures, Happy Krampusnacht!   I sure could have used Krampus when the ferals were coming to entitlement training sessions (visitation).  Krampus should set upon the parents who are responsible for encouraging such horrid behavior. 

O/T I Told My Boss(es) That I'm Retiring First Week of January

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And boy they put their head in their hands and said "this is gonna leave a HUGE hole!"  Of course the CIO is also moving on to greener pastures 1/1/21 by becoming part of the county's administration team.   I manage the county's non-intuitive, un-user friendly 911 system (servers and software) as well as the entire sheriff dept's hardware, servers and software.    I have left much more documentation than my predecessor, who wrote in sketchy, abstract and often reverse order.

First "Outing" in Girhippoville

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Chef has made the decision to attend a funeral/memorial service in Girhippoville of a close friend this Saturday who was more like a close relative.  Which he is uneasy about.  The odds of running into someone from the Gir clan are quite high.  He hasn't attended any gatherings in Girhippoville well since almost two decades.   There have been several funerals/memorial services in the area that he knew the deceased well and yet had not attended for fear of running into one of the Gir clan.    

Wills, Beneficiaries, Et Al

thinkthrice's picture

I know this topic has been discussed before, but for a refresher, what have you ladies done when your SO/DH has grown skids who are PASed out and would probably come 'round for handouts yet piss on your grave--in the event of you predeceasing your SO/DH?   I'm sure some people will say "well you won't need to worry about it because you'll be dead"  but the thought of having money EVER going to the ungrateful ferals is enough to keep one up at night.

Any thoughts?
