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i have been replaced.

Sweet T's picture

So i admit i have spied on fb on ex. Tonight he has that he is a relationship with some girl he went to highschool with.

Looks like he started seeing her in may. She has 3 kids and is not pretty. It hurts to see him posting that he is the luckiest man in the world.

I am going to be a crazy bm, i dont want him bringing some woman who he has lied to about me around my child.


Sweet T's picture

We actually worked out the property exchange issue last night and we are going to do the exchange in the next couple of weeks, when both his dad and the kids can be there. I told him I have no interest in keeping his stuff it is all out in the garage, he could probably take some of it in his car.

FRicken nut job

Sweet T's picture

So almost ex needs to come get the stuff he asked for in the divorce. I need to gather up a couple of things. I want a third party there, he didn't want my dad there but said he would bring his dad. So I told the attorney to email him and see what day he wanted to do it. She emails him today and he wants to do it tonight. WTF, oh and his dad won't be there just my 16 y/o ss who will have to do all the work and will be no help if his dad starts his bullying.

I told her to tell him no, he promised to bring his dad and that is it. I can't wait to see what he comes back with.


Sweet T's picture

It concerns me that there are so many of us that have SO's that are mentally, verbally and or physically abusive on this site. I always think that 90% of this isn't a stepkid or BM thing but the fact that we married sick individuals.

Please don't judge me

Sweet T's picture

But it kind of bugs me that me abusive almost legally ex H seems to be having such a great time and is so much happier with out me. He started dating even before the divorce is legal and even though I know he can't be a descent human for long it just makes me sad. I spent 9 years with that man taking care of him, his kids putting up with his shit. He ruined our lives, bullied and threw away his family.

Can I please do the parenting for you EOW too???

Sweet T's picture

Last night he sent me this email at 1 am last night. The overtime that he does on Thursday night has not gone away. ( he didn't want to use any overtime when calculating CS. BTW I am deathly allergic to all nuts so BS has grown up in a peanut free home for the most part. He has eaten peanut butter at daycare but has not wanted it in the last year or so.)

Fun evening

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Tonight Bm and my skids came over to visit Bs and I.God i miss those boys! We had a great night and they stayed about 2 1/2 hours, they brought over some old books of the boys.

Bm thanked me again for having kept the kids on my insurance during all of this. One kid had needed an mri,pt and has seen a surgeon. ..and the other some really expensive acne meds. It is nice to actually have some be appreciative. She dished some scoop on. The ex and some stupid shit he is up to. The kids have zero respect for him. I feel bad that they have him for a dad.

Douch bag update.

Sweet T's picture

Well I have lots to report. The king of the Douch bags started out by sending me a not insane guy email because Fathers Day is tomorrow and he will be picking up BS. He is now telling me that I can keep the snowblower and use it till the lease on the house we rented together and that I am fullfilling until this winter is over. BUT as long as I lie to CS services and say he is update ( he is 6 weeks behind on his CS and until we have an order signed by the judge..the hearing is not set till September) on his CS so they don't garnish his wages.
