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Please don't judge me

Sweet T's picture

But it kind of bugs me that me abusive almost legally ex H seems to be having such a great time and is so much happier with out me. He started dating even before the divorce is legal and even though I know he can't be a descent human for long it just makes me sad. I spent 9 years with that man taking care of him, his kids putting up with his shit. He ruined our lives, bullied and threw away his family.

It just seems wrong that life is just one big party for him now. I know that I was a good wife and that him and his mental illness is the reason not me. It just bugs me that now that the big fat bitch is out of his life ( that is me) that everything is perfect and that he will be able to replace me with probably a younger thinner model.


JingerVZ's picture

Sweet T, you are seeing what he want you to see. He is soon to be your ex- you shouldn't waste your time with what he is doing. Put him out of your mind. You know who he is and soon he won't be your problem.

You need to detach emotionally from him. Promise you, one day you won't care. Its starts with not keeping tabs on what he does. Its hard but you need to disconnect from him.

Imagine him to be the trash you are taking out... Someone will pick it up.

herewegoagain's picture

I can imagine this is hard, as many of us put up with so much shit before calling it quits. However, try to remember that he is still the same person you are divorcing. While it may seem like he is just enjoying life with the new friend, at the end of it all, not enough time has passed and he will do to her exactly what he did to you. In addition, she might dump him much quicker than you did or be even more miserable putting up with his shit. Be thankful you will now have your life back and don't look back.

My ex was an ahole many times to me, actually pretty abusive. He immediately dated after we divorced. It hit me a little when he did, not even because I loved him, but because I "felt" he was treating her so nicely while he treated me like shit. It didn't take me long to realize that eventually the same would happen to her. After that, I never resented him or her. I just moved on and wished them the best.

People do NOT change overnight. You know that. If he was an ahole to you and you had a stressful relationship, the same will happen again. Even if it doesn't be glad you are out of the mess. Hugs!

tabby yabba do's picture

Ditto ditto ditto JingerVZ!! Your ex is an emotional infant who seeks instant gratification to distract him from the reality that his life is a train wreck. Don't "buy" what he's trying to "sell" the world!! He is NOT happy. He is NOT content. He is NOT living a full and peaceful life based on on grown up choices and loving, close relationships. You think you see that he is because he is selling that idea. But like any good con-man/salesman, what he's selling isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Ignore him when you can, keep your interactions brief and business like when you can't. And stop buying his BS, recognize him for the lost cause he is.

Frustratedlady's picture

((((HUGS))))....Please try not to see everything at face value. You are only getting information that he is wanting you to see. And he is only trying to hurt you. Keep in mind, like others have said, people don't change over night and some don't change a all. Try to just focus on yourself. Be true to yourself, remain the good person you know you are and do what makes you happy.

One day you will be in my shoes, eating the popcorn and watching the show from a distance. Ever since last Friday phone has been blown up with emails, text messages and phone calls. All with people trying to tell me gossip about my estranged H and even an old ex boyfriend. Karma is definitely biting both of them right now. But you know what....all I said to anyone that tried to contact me is "not my problem anymore". That feels so wonderful!

Accordn2L's picture

This happened with me and my Ex-H. I was struggling in a shithole apartment with a car payment, daycare, bills bills bills, and a two year old. He was living it up and not paying child support either. I looked like a bag of microwaved shit from working full time and part time to cover everything and he was having the time of his life. He had cheated on me and I finally had enough and less than two months after we split she had a ring on her finger. I had been with him for 10 years!!!!!!! I was so hurt. And then she cheated on him and broke his heart. KARMA. However as I struggled through the years and he looked like he was having a blast, going to concerts, bars, women. Plus every time he got our daughter EOW they had so much fun and she would say I never take her to fun places like Dad does. Well Dad doesn't pay me child support and so I'm kind of struggling over here. But here we are 10 years later. Now, I worked my way up into a great career, have a big 4 bedroom house that is MINE only, a nice vehicle, and my daughter has everything she needs. Here is the part you are going to care about: He ran his way through his women and his good looks! He 47, working a manual job for $10/hour, living on his mama's couch in her old ass singlewide, driving a 17 year old raggedy ass car, and looks like SHIT! I was 100lbs overweight when he and I split. Now I'm very in shape and he has that old man fat belly and lots of gray hair BAHAHAHAHA

Your ex might be having fun now but it will run it's course I promise.

Oh and BTW it's been 10 years and at least once a month he calls me and begs me to "let him have his family back, he loves us". BAHAHAHAH NEGATIVE douchebag!

fedupstep's picture

No judgements here! My ex left me, moved in with a 'friend' and promptly got her pregnant. While he portrayed a carefree life and it ripped me apart, it was all for show. He's now trapped with her, 2 kids and unhappy from what I've heard. While my current DH can make me crazy at times, I'm so much better off. You will be too. Smile

Sweet T's picture

Thanks ladies, I could not have made it through this without all of you! My life is so much better without him and I am happier. I think what bothers me is that all I did for him just didn't matter.

Accordn2L's picture

I promise you SweetT, he seems like he is living it up right now. He will be wishing he had you back in no time and karma always gets them. Just sit back and patiently wait for it.

Other than that, get on with your life girl! Be happy you got rid of that baggage and start having some fun Smile

Sweet T's picture

One of the best things about his being gone is that fact that I get to see my family way more. I have been home more in 3 months than I have in the last 3 years. My family has their quirks, but it is so nice not to worry about him and his behavior or if I went without him what stupid things he would be spending money on while I was gone.

My sister was in town this week so we went up to my parents for the weekend. He hated her because her husband is rich and my dad loves him. She just texted me at 10 last night to see if they could come down and sleep at my house tonight because tomorrow will be a long travel day for my 2 y/o niece and I said sure thing. I could NEVER have done that with him there. Just the freedom to pack up my bags and go home or have people stay with me is wonderful.

The thing is I don't want to be alone forever. I worry because I am 45 with a 7 year old, am not in the shape I was 9 years ago ( I have lost 21 lbs and would like to loose another 50) and I have MS. I know I am attractive but men are so shallow that I worry. Plus I don't want another looser. I am not looking to jump on in again... but just someday it would be nice to have a relationship where they ;ive in their own home and BS & I in ours.

Sweet T's picture

Thanks! I keep on keeping on. I have therapy this week, I always feel better after talking with her. I also had a great pep talk from a family friend yesterday who grew up with my mom. Funny things is she is my dad's AA buddy and we talked about how my dad being an alcoholic has shapped me and my siblings. I just love that lady, she has such inner peace and has been through so much. She had a tumor in the last few years, her husband had prostate cancer and he daughter became a meth addict and left her husband and child who she had been married to for 10 years.

Ex4life's picture

Having been in your shoes I can tell you from personal experience that he is "living it up" just for a show and to see if he will get a reaction out of you. Like several others have said, it's all for show. He wants you to see his totally awesome new life with the new babe on his arm, the new car and so on and so forth. Why? To still try to control you. If he can get a reaction out of you then he has succeeded in "making you feel and do something" that will prove to him that he can still control you without even being in the same house.

My ex was and still to this day is an abusive excuse of a man. Up until 14 months ago he was even using our girls to try to control me and was controlling the girls through mental and physical abuse... until this mama found out. We have been divorced since 2003 and he has had so many girlfriends I lost count. He has even been engaged to 5 of them. Yea, it doesn't take long for them to see who he really is.

Hang in there. You are doing a great job. Don't let what he is or isn't doing bother you. The less it gets to you, the less control he has over you.

Sweet T's picture

I am so not turning to food Smile I was in really great shape when I met him, but 2 pregnancies and a crappy marriage to a couch potato was not kind. I feel the best I have in years, despite the fact that the neurologist told me at my appt last week that I have 15 lesions on my brain and that one of them shows new disease activity. I know I have to take care of me as I need to get through the next 11 years without becoming disabled. ( I have MS )My son needs me to raise him, NOT the selfish prick that is his father and whatever woman he manipulates into taking care of him next.

Jmom's picture

Sweet T here's what I did. . .

I made a list of every nasty and downright mean thing my ex ever did to me and I hung it on the fridge. I'd read it from time to time when these feelings came up (which are normal) and get mad all over again!!

Sweet T's picture

I have reread my journal when I feel myself softening and when I look back at the reign of terror he inflicted on me and the kids since I started documenting in October I don't feel so bad.

I think it is stuff like when he said if I ever get a boyfriend some day not to take him to meet his grandma that sets me off. I may be a curvy girl BUT I have my shit together and I am attractive.

simifan's picture

A lot of men do this. They immediately set out to prove they are still "a catch". Women take the time to grieve and get over the relationship. By the time you are ready to move on, he will be just starting to grieve the relationship.