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Stressedstepparent17's Blog

In-laws/BM drama..

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So we cancelled on SD this weekend just gone. We had work and plans with friends, said we'd pick up during the week as extra (as it's half term) and have her 2 days at the weekend (so already extra to what we're supposed to). All hell broke loose. 

BM posted on Facebook a photo of SD crying with a tagline of "this is what happens every weekend when deadbeat dad doesn't show". Lies. Lies. Lies. We have her every weekend. We wanted to REARRANGE this one. Everyone knows how full on a dad he is. Normally. 


Kids dealing with separation

Stressedstepparent17's picture

All has been fairly uneventful as of late hence no blogs! Trotting along just nicely and then SD has returned to school. 

We're not 100% sure what's happened but we can gather a conversation at school has happened where kids have said they live with both parents and they see their daddy all the time. Cue tears to the point of wetting herself. She wants to know why she can't see her daddy all the time. Why he doesn't live with her. 


Holiday without kids

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So myself and my OH are going away tomorrow for a long weekend break to center parcs with my family. They've paid. All we have to pay for is the petrol and our own drinks.

Now OH's mother, father, sister are all kicking off because we're going without his daughter. Are we bad for doing so? 

His mother called him a pig. 

We're planning on taking her away for a couple of days during October half term as with him losing his job last month and me working so much we haven't had the time or money to do anything before now. 



Stressedstepparent17's picture

So I'm still here. Either I'm completely stupid or I just can't be bothered anymore. But anyway my feelings aside this is actually about SD and BM.

So SD had had nits for 2/3 years now. Constant. She comes to us on a weekend and she has them. Every week. We've tried getting rid every weekend with lotion, sending lotion back to her BM's, OH and BM have done mediation and came to agreements that we'd pay for the solution and she'll do kids hair. Nothing has worked. 


So it all went as expected..

Stressedstepparent17's picture

So birthday celebrations with the family today went as expected. 

From the start SD was attached to OH like a leach. Didn't utter a word to my family, and before anyone says is she shy around strangers- she has known my family for 2 years now. Spent many occasions with them. No excuse. Just rude. And he just laughed at her not talking. I tried to get her to talk but no, nothing. And not leaving dad's side. 

Moaning she was tired, hungry, wanting to go to the park (all of this overheard talking to daddy not anyone else). 

My birthday

Stressedstepparent17's picture

It's my birthday this weekend.. well Monday but I'm celebrating it at the weekend with my family, OH and SD. 

So my OH is crap with presents, needs me to go with him to pick what I want because apparently even after 2.5 years he still doesn't know what to get me. We're wandering round town and straight away he picks up an LOL doll top and matching leggings for his beloved princess. Cue me fuming. 



Stressedstepparent17's picture

So my beloved OH that I've been so full of love for recently.. not.. has been sacked today from his job. Brilliant. And guess what the first bloody thought on his mind was.. HIS F'ING DAUGHTER!!! 

How on earth does he expect to have her here more days, feed her, treat her, buy her presents when he has no F'ING JOB!!! 

I said I'm sorry but the last thing I need to hear about right now is your f'ing pangs of need and want for a cuddle off your princess and how the f were supposed to pay bills this month?! 


First post

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Gosh where do I start. So I've been with my partner for 2.5 years now, living together for 1.5 years. I met his 4 nearly 5 year old daughter around 6 months into our relationship, so really early on. She doesn't live with us, generally stays for 1-2 days at the weekend every week and extra during school holidays. He has a son who he hasn't seen for the full duration of our relationship (he'd last seen him before we met so nothing to do with me).
