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OMG.... I may have to kill my SIL!!

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Dh has finally agreed to get SS on meds for ADHD. This is just the tip of the iceberg to his issues but it is a big start and will at least make life for his teachers much easier. Well, over the holiday MIL took SS up north to visit SIL. SIL's kid has a boat load of issues- he has sensory issues, crazy rage, no fear at all, ADHD and more- the kid is 4 and has to go to a special school because he can really hurt himself and others. So anyways, SIL calls DH to tell him that SS doesn't have any signs of ADHD, and why one earth would his teachers think that?

Need some prayers or good vibes or whatever you can send my way!

overworkedmom's picture

We had parent teacher conferences last night. Dh and I got to SS's and the teacher once again said that she feels he has ADHD. The special ed teacher came to sit in on the conference and said the same. I just really need him to take their advice and get him help!!! I just keep thinking that the meds will not only help at school but will help so much at home to- the lack of impulse control alone is driving me crazy!

This makes the 6th professional to say this to DH- maybe this time it will work!

Question for the Men of Stalk and any women whose husbands do this

overworkedmom's picture

My Dh falls asleep on the couch almost every night. I hate it. I hate that I am not worth him getting is lazy A$$ of the couch and coming to bed for. It's not about sex, although that would happen a lot more often if he would just come to bed. I just need it, the closeness and the bond.

I have explained, many times, that it is just something very important to me to actually sleep beside my husband. I have asked nicely. I have gotten bitchy. I have cried. I have begged. I don't sleep for crap when he does not come to bed.

DH is blind but BM's mom had perfect timing last night!!

overworkedmom's picture

SS got in trouble again yesterday. He was told that if he didn't behave in school that he could not go to his football awards banquet at a bounce house place yesterday night. Of course he got in trouble for "Refusing to listen and was very disrespectful", and of course DH did nothing but say "humpf" when I showed the note to him as I was signing all the agendas for the night.

Blew up at SS and now he is being sweet.

overworkedmom's picture

I think I scared the living crap out of SS this weekend. Maybe did a little shattering of his distorted world...I will start at the begining. On Friday SS was mad I only let him take 2 peices of candy in his lunch box. DH agreed when I made the statement to the kids that they could pick 2 to stick in there. SS blurts out: "Dad, can't you just marry someone else? I hate mom (that is what he has called me for almost 2 years now)". DH did turn and scold him for being so rotten and apologize, so whatever. Skids being brats is commonplace.

So mad I could throw something!

overworkedmom's picture

I had the day from hell to start with. Work was crazy and to top all that fabulousness off I had court with my exH for him to reduce cs. I knew it would go down some but I was very disappointed in the way we had something worded in our agreement - basically one word made me lose 300 a month and the judge even said he understands that it is obvious that it was not written in that spirt but the way it is written is how it had to go. Anyway... I actually stopped by the ABC store to get some alcohol on the way home ( I can't even remember the last time I bought liquor- years!!).

Writing off your own family

overworkedmom's picture

I just can't take it anymore. My parents never wanted me and my exH to divorce. They have kept him around them for the past almost 4 years now- like another child of their own. Keep in mind this is a man I have had to get police involved with multiple times to get my kids home after a visitation weekend, have had to get a protection order against, was thousands behind in CS, just generally makes my life hell, etc. PLUS- They have never made any effort to get to know my DH. They are only concerned about how my ex feels.
