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So mad I could throw something!

overworkedmom's picture

I had the day from hell to start with. Work was crazy and to top all that fabulousness off I had court with my exH for him to reduce cs. I knew it would go down some but I was very disappointed in the way we had something worded in our agreement - basically one word made me lose 300 a month and the judge even said he understands that it is obvious that it was not written in that spirt but the way it is written is how it had to go. Anyway... I actually stopped by the ABC store to get some alcohol on the way home ( I can't even remember the last time I bought liquor- years!!).
I get home and of course the fist thing I hear is "when is dinner!?!?". So I cook. I clean. I let the kids eat some Halloween candy. They get hyped. They fight. I start sending them to shower. It gets to ss. I call him upstairs...nothing. I call again....nothing. Dh calls back that he is asleep. Of course he is sprawled out on top of dh. I tell him to take him upstairs and dh starts giving me shit about him trying to relax too. I say: Well I can't ever relax when your kid is in the freaking room! I get pissed start making as much noise as I could then tell him that he and ss can rot together and go up to bed.
I am now thinking about how completely unfulfilled I am and this really good looking guy I work with is seeming like he could be more and more fun. This is what happens when you don't put your spouse first. They start looking to feel wanted somewhere else...