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LaMareOssa's Blog

SD12 overheard a phone conversation. She wished she didn't, I'm sure. LOL

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Yesterday I blogged about Desserts and phone calls. I talked about how DH asked me to bring SD12 her lunch because she forgot it. I wasn't happy, but made the trip back to the school. I pick up DD8 and SD12 later that afternoon. As usual, SD gets into the truck without a word. She never speaks to me unless DH isn't around and then she must come to me. She always hesitates and hangs around until she gets the courage to speak I guess. Whatever. Not important. LOL

"Happy Step Mothers Day" NO! Do you expect something???

LaMareOssa's picture

I'm just gonna get to the point here. I Don't Want A Card From SD12! No. I don't want it. I don't want to hear her utter the words that day. No, I'm not rude or ungrateful.. Nor am I dumb. I know that hearing her utter the words "Happy mothers day" means nothing to her. Her being forced to make a card in class and giving it to me because she can't give it to her mom is not cool. No, I don't want your cards or your words. They are meaningless.

Ugh..Don't look at me in that tone of voice!

LaMareOssa's picture

I am so freakin' tired of the glares and stares I get from SD12 and her F'd up family! This morning was Muffins for Moms at BD8 and SD12's school. SD had her aunt bring her and picked her up this morning. DD8 and I left the house about 15-20 minutes later. We get to the school and go into the gym where this little shindig is. We line up so DD can get a muffin and then we made our way over to the book fair that was happening. We have all these adorable little boys and girls hanging around us with DD.

This post might seem a bit morbid, but......

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What would you do if something happened to your DH? My DH has full sole custody of SD12 and I know for a fact that I would NOT continue to raise her. I would have to let her live with her grandparents (they have custody of SD's older bro and sis from diff man)

I know it's not a happy subject, but would like other Steppers opinions.
I just couldn't do it. I would not be able to raise her. If that makes me a terrible person then so be it.

O/T Me learning to drive a stick. A sight to see! LMAO

LaMareOssa's picture

DH and I own Toyota's. It's all DH will drive. I have a large lifted SUV. DH has a lifted pick up with muddin' tires.

My baby(my truck) is having severe alignment issues and needs more than an alignment. Got a quote yesterday from a trusted body shop for nearly $700.00..After the Toyota dealership basically told me to eff off. I call DH and tell him about the dealership and the estimate and first thing he says is " MUST learn to drive my truck. No more waiting. You have no other options!!!!" Yes..we know DH. Ugh.

Unsure of a title, but still want your thoughts.

LaMareOssa's picture

SD12 hates DD7. She seems to absolutely despise DD. It's really sad. DD was born when SD was 4, almost 5. I was looking at baby pictures and there was a couple of pictures of SD with/holding DD. The look on SD's face was murderous. I thought it would pass over time. I don't think it has. I always made sure DH had quality time with SD without DD or I, even though we were married. I wanted to make sure that SD felt like she wasn't being replaced. But we also did things together as a family as well.

Just caught SD in a lie from yesterday. Big deal. Need would you handle this situation?

LaMareOssa's picture

Yesterday SD12 and DD7 wanted to go on a bike ride around the block. I don't like the idea of them being alone together or being alone from the house without an adult. DH thinks it's okay as long as SD has her cell phone on her in case something happens.

So, they ask DH. He says yes but the conversation goes like this:

DH: SD do you have your phone with you and on?
SD: Yes, I have my phone.
DH: Okay, if you need to call, call LaMares phone because I'm going to be outback and don't have my phone on me.
SD12: Okay.

Let the week of drama free peace commence!

LaMareOssa's picture

Today is SD12 and DD7's spring break. They will be off for a total of 9 days and I got news over the weekend that SD12 will not be with us. And I found out yesterday that DH was dropping off SD12 with her grandparents (BM's parents) at 8pm last night. This is wonderful!!! Everyone here-DH, DD7, DS4, and myself are always in such a better mood when SD isn't here. And it's rare because DH has sole custody of SD.

It's sad that everyone in this house lightens up and gets cheery when SD is about to leave or when she is gone. Even DH was super cheery after the drop off last night.
