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redheaded_stepmom's Blog

Yet another option for SD...

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DH came up with something else to present to SD15 as an option about going to live with BM. He thinks she should stay with us for her 10th grade year of HS and then the day after school is out we can put her on a plane to BM and she can stay there the entire summer and if she decides she wants to stay on and go to school there, she can. I think that sounds like a reasonable idea provided SD15 can knock it off with her behavior issues and quit treating the rest of us like dog poo.

I'm so angry all the time...(vent)

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Every time I am anywhere near SD15 I feel so angry and annoyed, even when she hasn't really given me a reason to feel that way. I hate that I have those feelings towards her, though sometimes they are justified, especially lately. I just feel bad that after the time passes when she has done something that annoys me or irritates me, etc., I still have these angry, annoyed feelings towards her. She doesn't deserve me to be angry at her all the time.

Wondering what SD15 is up to...

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She doesn't do anything nice for us anymore unless she wants something. Today, she brought home me a gift and left it on the kitchen table. Didn't say a word to me about it or leave a note with it or anything...I asked her about it at dinner and she said it was "just because." Really? I'm not buying it. I can't wait to hear what she wants in return...I'm sure it'll come up right before she goes to bed tonight...and now we wait.

Looks like SD15 will be leaving us...

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I talked to DH about what happened on Friday with SD15 skipping out on work and lying to me about what she was doing and where she would be and that she said she wants to move to BM's. He agreed with me about being upset with her for what happened and told me I handled it the best I could. He is going to talk to BM and set some guidelines for the switch. Since DH is the custodial parent at the moment, we are going to have to make some changes in the custody agreement.

Here we go again...

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So, SD15 has an AWESOME, most teens would kill for, job this summer at the local pool working with kids in the weekly summer camp program. She is supposed to be working Tuesday through Friday, 7:30am to 12:30pm. Today I get up and she is still sleeping in bed. When I woke her up, she informed me that she and another girl switched shifts for today and that she doesn't have to be at work until 12:30. Okay, I'm fine with that, sounds like she is being responsible and getting things done on her own. Good for her, I think to myself. What was I thinking?

Am I being unreasonable...

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I am here on my own for the next 3 weeks to make decisions concerning SD and my BKs. I am a good mother and am totally capable. SD and I had a long talk about some things tonight and it felt good to just have some girl time. After our talk was over, I was in the kitchen making a pie and SD comes in to ask if she can start going over to her friend's house every day to hang out and watch a show.

I am dreading the next 3 weeks...(vent)

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after all that has happened the last month and a half. I am going to be here, by myself, with SD15. DH has to go away for work. I am hoping and praying that SD15 will keep her shit together and behave herself, but I'm not going to be surprised if she doesn't. We had a plan for what to do if she pulled anymore crap while DH is away, but somehow that got all messed up, and now I don't know what to do if she starts acting like an idiot again. DH says to call him, but really, he's a 24-hour plane ride away, how is that supposed to help me?

I know I said I was leaving, but....

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I'm sitting here crying my eyes out in frustration, pain, and helplessness. I don't know what to do anymore. Tonight, DH and I caught SD15 sneaking her bf into her room. That boy had the nerve to come in our basement door at 10:30 at night, while we were still awake (I was in my BKs room right next to SDs room with the door open!)! At first I thought it might have been DH that I saw go in her room, but something about it just didn't feel right to me, so I got up from the floor and went downstairs to check. DH was sitting in our living room playing a game.

What do you do when the trust is all gone?

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I'm having issues with being able to trust SD. After all that has happened with her over the years since I've been in her life, I am at the point where I just don't think I will ever be able to trust her again. She has lied to me about big things, little things, and everywhere in between. She has been caught stealing things from me, from her friends, from stores. She is disrespectful and unappreciative. Every time I start to think I can trust her again, she does something that blows it all to hell. I hate the thought of having a child that I think of as my own that I don't trust.

The door came off...

redheaded_stepmom's picture

Ok, we are a little over a week into what was supposed to be a two week grounding for SD for the beer drinking episode. She was originally grounded from computer, phone, and social priveleges. She has still been giving us problems about taking her medication. Yesterday, I caught her putting the phone back on the charger in my room after having had it in her room all night. She told me she had used it the day before to call a friend about homework (without asking) and forgot to put it back (I'm already thinking that is a load of BS).
