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_karma_'s Blog

SO wants full custody of his 3yr old daughter.

_karma_'s picture

We have been to court a several times now and finally have papers that spell out everything.. Yet BM still thinks she is above the CO. Ugh. it makes me want to pull my hair out. I have spent many sleepless nights over the crap this one pulls. I know no one on here knows half of it but one day ill explain. I do not have the time nor energy at this point in my life to let her bs bother me. I absolutely adore my SD3. She is my mini me and is stuck to myside.

anyone have a similar experience?!?

_karma_'s picture

CO states this year my SO was supposed to claim his daughter on his taxes. After submitting, his taxes were returned REJECTED. why? because BM claimed the child. He contacted her and she claims he is not caught up on his childsupport. not true. i know he is because I paid it. I wrote the check and it came out of MY account all before DECEMBER 31st.

so now we have to amend his return and claim the youngin.
ugh. & this was 2 days after we had just been speaking good about her and thought things were changing..GUESS NOT!