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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TGIF, STalkers! This will be short (for me). Busy day and too much to do...

Eff off to:

  • The heat and humidity in the south. My feet and ankles have been swollen since about 5 minutes after we arrived and my toes look like little sausages. Good thing I packed another pair of dress shoes because my feet can't be crammed into my pumps. *diablo*
  • BioHo. That twunt is doing everything she can to make SS21's wedding all about her, is ruining plans, and being 1000% vile. SMDH


Wishing you a stress-free and enjoyable weekend!


OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Friday is in the hoooouuuuse! Admittedly, I am both happy and sad that it's Friday as it brings me one day closer to Hell Week and whatever shenanigans BioHo has up her sleevelsess-dingy-one-inch-bra-strap-under-quarter-inch-spaghetti-strap-skin-tight-tank-top. Yippee ki yay. Makes me give some consideration to planning my own kidnapping... Okay, okay. You know I wouldn't do that to my DH. But I kinda wanna! 

Eff off to:


OT - Eff Off/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Friday, STalkers! Are you ready for the weekend? It's going to be HOT in my neck of the woods. The forecast says 93 degrees on Sunday. BLECH!!! This Finn needs a long, cool dip in Lake Superior. Psssst... I also need a long, cool dip when it's 70. Wink

I've already had two requests for EOF, so let's get to it. Eff off to:


OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TGIF, STalkers! I've missed you!!!

My sincere apologies to those I've worried. Things have been insane at work. Add the fact that we've been living Murphy's Law (Anything that can go wrong will go wrong) means chaos is a way of life at this time. 

I'd also like to thank everyone who sent up prayers and good energy and well wishes for DH's grandmother. She's home and doing well. Her memory has deteriorated a bit more, but the lady is over 100!

