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OT - Eff Off/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Friday, STalkers! Sorry I'm so late to the game, but it's like Monday 5.0. Blech. Think I'll put my work laptop in the laundry room and shut the door on both for the weekend. I want to enjoy the snow. We are officially over 300 inches for this snow year! *yahoo*

Eff off to:


OT - Eff Off/Forn Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What a week. *dash1*

Eff off to:

  • King Pita. If he would spend his time doing his job instead of doing useless caca like forwarding emails I already receive (which is the least of it), maybe he could get his own work done. Nope. He is sitting on a buttload of time cards awaiting approval, but apparently subjecting people to repetitive emails is more important.
  • Me. Farking long covid BS. *diablo*


Forn Friday

Forn is 'food' and 'p0rn' combined.


OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TGIF!! Who else is ready for the weekend? DH has to work OT and I want a weekend off before I start the next Memory Bear order. What to do with myself besides cook...

Eff off to:

  • long covid. I am so tired of having this caca. Especially the farking headaches. Gaaaaaahhhhh...
  • King Pita and his "let's do a zoom" mentality. No, KP, we do NOT need to do a bloody zoom so you can give me the r7n dates for the ZZZ report. Email the dates so I have them on record. Asshat.


