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(UPDATE) Hello Wall

blessedwithstress's picture

I spent a large chunk of yesterday not eating and stewing over everything that happened the night before. There were moments during the work day where I could hardly choke back the tears and keep working. I Googled “how to know when you’re ready for a divorce”. Ultimately, I don’t think we are there but it is still floating on the periphery.


A Different Life: Googling, Daydreaming, and Goal Setting

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

Last night I once again found myself cuddled up under my favorite comforter Googling "Running Away as an Adult".  I have no immediate plans to "run away" from my life, however, I did decide to work harder toward creating a life I actually love and therefore simultaneously prepare myself for a future on my own if that day ever comes. 


Had a great partially-disengaged day & some epiphanies!

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

So, yesterday I worked really hard to disengage from the SD16 drama and her first day back to HS.  I ended up having an awesome day working, cooking (which I actually find enjoyable), and even found a little time for MR. ED and I to run errands together while enjoying an open air jeep ride.  Good stuff.  


OT - Everyone Wednesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I usually do Women Wednesday, but this topic is for everyone. Major's recent blog gave me the idea. (Thank you, Major!!)


We all have reasons why we fear change. It’s annoying, overwhelming, frustrating, unnecessary, time-consuming, and so on. Let’s DIG. Dig deeper than the circumstance, deeper than your reaction to the circumstance, DIG into the real reasons we’re afraid of change, whether it’s frustration over process changes or overwhelm over a change in career or fear of a change within ourselves or our lives.
