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Guns n' Brats

1day@atime's picture

My SS10 is obsessed with guns. He has a collection of water guns, nerf guns, airsoft guns, and shooting games. I told my husband he's exhibited too much immaturity, lack of values, disprespect, and irresponsibility to be so immerged with them and it be healthy. My husband disagreed. A year ago, when my SS got mad at a kid at school, he threatened to blow the kids head off. We got a call from the principal and had to assure him we didn't have any guns in the house. My husband took away violent video games for awhile (but my SS didn't have the airsoft gun at the time).

No time for Madre...

outofplace's picture

So last Sunday before BF and I had to take SS4 back to his BM's, BF siad he had to go meet up with a soon to be new business partner "just for a couple hours", said he'd be back before 2pm and we'd all spend some time together before we had to take SS4 back at 4:30pm... No surprise he doesn't get home till 4:00pm and has to rush around and find something to eat before we leave.

The aftermath

jswan's picture

So it's like nothing happened Thursday there wasn't a huge argument or anything. Does he really think this stuff just goes away....that one day I will wake up and agree with him on everything, I won't want marriage or another child. But I'm still here so I guess subconsciously I am too??
I am just frustrated.....and I am just gonna start getting my ducks in a row.

Potential for retalitory actions

Shaman29's picture

DH's kid has two younger siblings, each with their own bio-dad.

Middle dad has custody, DH and last dad do not. Every year since the whole custody ordeal started with DH's kid and her middle sibling, Uberskank always starts something at the end of the school year with one of the dad's. The previous two years it was DH because he had custody. This year it's middle dad. Yup...because he has custody.

Middle dad called DH and asked for help. We were both able to provide assistance and advice, especially advising he retain the same attorney he used at prior hearings.

Cameras, recordings, etc while skids visit?

herewegoagain's picture

I am wondering after hearing so many stories of how skids abuse you or your kids, have any of you considered installing cameras or getting little soy recorders to prove to your DHs what happens when they're not around? I had a few issues w/truant and just told DH that I would not play she said/she said w/ truant would never be alone w/me again...but if that had not been possible I was ready to get spy gear to prove it!

And so the saga continues...

Boston Gisele's picture

This has been quite the weekend for BM issues. Friday night her and I had the nice little "chat" which made me think she was even crazier than before and then yesterday, she told my boyfriend that even though SS4 is coming to live with us full time for awhile that she wants half of what we give her for CS now because "SS is going to need a place to stay when he comes back". So pretty much she wants us to pay her rent her rent every month while SS is living with us. Supposedly my bf told her no way and was really unpleasant to her on the phone about it.

OMG, I will not do anything else for SD!

3bk1sd's picture

I don't know how many of you remember that I posted about making SD (11) a dress for her end of year dance. Well, it turned out awesome, everyone loved it, SD even thanked me 3 times.
I worked extra hard on it as I knew BM would be inspecting it and I made sure every seam and stich was perfect. I spent twice as long as I did on my own and my daughters dresses.
She did not come this weekend as BM is mad about the whole counselling thing (last blog). DH did call her and ask how the dance was and SD said it was great and everyone loved the dress I made her.

I wish...

mommylove's picture

...that my SCs were only 1 or 2yo like my BS was when my H & I got together. I always felt that if I'd had the opportunity to have input on how they were raised from a very young age that I might've been able to bond with them so that I would now love them like my own.

Unfortunately this was not the case, & after the horrible experience of having SS living in my home for a year & SD around eow I could NEVER agree to allow SD to come & live in my home full-time unless I was just a glutton for punishment which I of course am not.
