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Private School

jjj111's picture

My live-in boyfriend is financially strapped with alimony and child support, his ex-wife has family money (lots of it). They have two girls 5 and 6 and one day we plan to have a life together. We are living together and discuss the future often. Both of the girls go to private school (one just graduated pre-school and will be attending kindergarten in the fall and one will be going into 1st grade). His ex-wife pays for half of the schooling and he pays for the other half.

completely OT....... what would YOU do?

Sia's picture

I'm in school FT. last quarter, I caught a fellow classmate cheating on a test. The university has a strict zero tolerance policy, and I knew if I told that she would be removed. I struggled with it for a few hours and finally decided to tell my professor. I had to make a formal statement, and speak to the medical director and speak in front of a governing board as to what I witnessed. The girl was a friend, or I thought she was, so it was hard for me.

What's your take on this?

PrincessFiona's picture

DH's oldest, SD19, has been estranged from him for many years. She is a perfect example of PAS, was alienated by both her mom and her SM. She quit speaking to her father entirely when he and his 2nd wife (her SM, BM2) divorced. I am not her problem as this was already the situation I entered into, just guilty by association. I know here are always two side to every story and somewhere in the middle is the truth but I have yet to hear anything even from her that warrants her feelings toward him.

Skids ignore me and the house is like Neverland!

hope4better's picture

It's been a few week since SD9 and SS8 came to our house for summer visitation. They never ever talk to me! When I said "good morning!", SS8 remians silent... When I ask SD9 or SS8 "are you guys hungry?" There is a pose, then they look around and, "where is Dad?". And they go to find thier dad (my DH) and ask what is dinner. So only words they talk to me is "where is dad?". I think it is very rude!

I just wanna spit.

Willow2010's picture

I am so angry at DH right now. Why is he such a bad father?

SS 17 met a girl at camp 5 days ago. It ends up that she lives in our town and she is almost 16 years old. SS got back 2 days ago and the first night he was home he went to her house and came home at 1:00AM. Supposed to be 12 but not my kid so I don’t care what time he gets in.

5yr old neighbor & BM obviously wrecking his brain...what to do?

herewegoagain's picture

There is a little 5yr old kid who is our neighbor...he lives w/dad and dad's parents...BM has visitation...He comes to play w/our kiddo alot and even eats dinner w/us sometimes. We know his grandparents and they are very sweet people and's what happened...

The other day my kiddo and him were eating at the table and being silly. Just saying spongebob lines and laughing...all of a sudden little boy says "kiddo (my son) likes to sleep with women!" WTH? I almost had a heart attack! He is 5!!! He had just returned from visitation whis BM...
