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hope4better's Blog

Skids ignore me and the house is like Neverland!

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It's been a few week since SD9 and SS8 came to our house for summer visitation. They never ever talk to me! When I said "good morning!", SS8 remians silent... When I ask SD9 or SS8 "are you guys hungry?" There is a pose, then they look around and, "where is Dad?". And they go to find thier dad (my DH) and ask what is dinner. So only words they talk to me is "where is dad?". I think it is very rude!

Do you think this is Win-Win?

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My DH is having skids (9 & 8 ) for 10 weeks during summer. He knows I am not happy about that (I still give them a good care and feed, clean, entertain as a stepm mom). I suggested if he can reduce a little bit, even a week or so, just only this year. But it upset him a lot. DH threw a fit and yelled at me left the house for a couple of hours. He seems he wants to stay entire summer in his parents house to have "quality time" with his kids. He said it is also good for me and "win-win". I am going to miss him and feel very unsecured. It is long -- 10 weeks!