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totallyexhausted's Blog

Well, I finally got the nerve to tell him.

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I basically took everyones advice and put it together. Friday night when I got home from school we had afew beers (his for pleasure mine for courage) I told him that I was sorry I hadn't shown him the letter sooner but that he needed to read it. I had this whole speech prepared about how I support what ever decided to do, and unconditional love etc. etc. But he never said a word. Just went into the guest room and locked it... And stayed there all night. Sat. morning he was up at 7am makeing breakfast. Acting like bussiness as usual. I didn't bring it up all weekend.

I don't know how to deal with this...

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afew weeks ago my H sent a DNA sample to see if his son(8yr old) is his.... it was my card so it was sent in my name.... I opened it thinkin it was junk mail... it said my SS is not his... 99.9999% not his... I dont know how to present this.... how do I tell him that this boy isn't his blood... I wanna "play dumb" but I can't with it being opened... I just don't know what to say...