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SteppingUp's Blog

Officially putting myself in the middle of BM and FDH's communication (or lack thereof)....oh boy.

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Last week I got upset with FDH and his lack of communication with BM. Once again, BM used the line, "You never told me about this so I made plans" and I can't necessarily blame her for manipulating because I just don't know if FDH truly did make things clear with BM. And once again, who bears the brunt of this? ME. Long story short, I was expected to take SS3 while FDH is out of town because BM "made plans" and she didn't "realize" that FDH was still out of town training although it's been the same story the last 2 Fridays.

BM got her "vacation" from the kids.

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FDH has been out of town M-Fri training for his new job. Because of that, we didn't take the skids on Weds/Thurs last week. Instead we agreed to have them for the weekend (not regularly scheduled wknd). Since we were making up two nights lost, we planned that we'd have them Saturday and Sunday night and BM would take them on Monday for 4th of July.

BM has my blood boiling!

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FDH is out of town this week for training for his new job. It's just me and my 4 month old baby. We had SS3 this past weekend like normal. We'd usually get SS3 and his older sister tonight, but since FDH is gone we're going to take them this weekend instead (normally wouldn't have them this wknd).

If it weren't for the steps...I think I'd want another child.

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We had our baby boy in February. Now that the dust has settled, I find myself looking at pregnant women, wanting to experience that again (weird, huh?...I had a really great pregnancy and enjoyed it!). Also, knowing the love that I have for my baby and thinking that I could have that AGAIN with another just sort of amazes me.

ALMOST called BM last night to come pick up her daughter...

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As most of you know, we still take SS3's older sister, SD6 even though she's not my fiance's kid (he helped raise her). I've posted recently about this whole thing changing soon, the reason being FDH is starting a new job and visitation is changing anyway, and her bioDad is in the picture and wanting her more often so why not let her get closer to him, so we're gonna just kind of let go of seeing her all the time or feeling "obligated" to take her.

The "break" with SD6 is almost upon us...

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Long story short, FDH has raised SD6 since she was a baby. Her biodad saw her one weekend a month, but this past year he's turned over a new leaf and really wants to be more involved. He now takes her every other weekend. We still have her during the weekdays that we have her brother (my SS3). Biodad has asserted that he WANTS to have SD on the days of the week we have her (he pays BM child support yet she has us taking his kid 2 days week...).
