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southernshellgirl's Blog

Has anyone had a mental disorder brought up in court.

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BM actually got SD last Thursday for her overnight possession. That was the first time in four weeks.

Then yesterday she called to talk to SD, and DH asked what the plan was and BM acted surprised, like she had not planned on getting SD. DH told her we were going to tour a school for SD to maybe go to kindergarten later this year and invited her. Then said she was going to come get her, but would call us back to let us know how and when she would get her.

Opinions please, SD has questions and I don't have answers.

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BM has been passing on her time with SD for about a month now. I'm not complaining, BM got herself into a sticky situation being jobless, carless and almost homeless, and it was stressing my almost 5yo sd.

But being a stepmom you just can't win and now I'm torn.

SD is now asking when her mommy is going to come get her. I'm afraid she's feeling abandoned by BM and I really feel bad for her because I'm feeling that way about my mom right now too, and I'm having a tough time at 25!

I would LOVE some honest opinions on what I should do, if anything.

How these children suffer. Just some thoughts

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I get emotionally tied up in knots thinking about SD and how complicated her life is. She is only 4 years old and already has to question the motives of the very people she should trust to guide her and teach right and wrong.

Even though DH and I have never lied to her or used her, just the things we know BM has said have caused her to question us as to whether or not we are the good people or bad like BM says.

Will she be held accountable for anything!!!

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BM was 30 min late for the parenting class today, the instructor just kept delaying starting because BM said she was on her way. GREAT! Seeing how DH has taken another day off work(BM didn't make it to the class when it was scheduled last week) and the instructor told us if BM did not show we would go on without her.

Class with BM today

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Okay everyone, wish us luck! Dh and I are going for our second attempt to finish the classes he and BM were ordered to take when the case was settled last May. THis is the one both bio parents must attend together, we tried last week and talked to her several times before hand and she insisted she would show and had the money for the class. DH even talked to her the night before to be sure she remembered and the next morn she was a no show.

Suggestions on how to determine the exact cost of supporting SD?

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All the recent child support posts have inspired me to come up with a statement for us to give BM as to what it costs to support SD.

I had planned to do so back in May when the court ordered BM to pay support, but then, she still hasn't paid support so I don't feel bad I haven't done it yet.

I think it should have a breakdown of our total bills (because BM has no idea what it really means to support yourself) and realistically how much is due to SD. Then of course, all the additional stuff just for SD.

Curious, anyone gone completely without an attorney?

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DH and I made it almost all the way through our first round in court without an attorney, but we had the assisstance of Texas Father's For Equal Rights instructing us on how to file and what the paperwork should look like. We would have finished that way if it weren't for BM's jerk of an attorney refusing to cooperate. He completely ignored us as we tried to do what the judge ordered and schedule mediation.

We would have stuck it to him if we only knew how!

Now as we look at possibly HAVING to go back to court, DH is certain we can do it alone.

Pretty sure BM's on illegal drugs and her mom and Gma are my new friends.

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I feel like I'm constantly walking along this thin line between being angry at BM for not pulling herself together and feeling sorry for her and trying to fix her.

The trouble is that neither feeling makes any difference for anyone and it's just making me old.(I'm 25 and the wrinkles are starting to show!)

I've been very comforted by Colorado Girl's posts because of her BM being diagnosed bipolar also. It does provide some relief knowing there is a medical and or physical explanation for the irrational behavior of BM.

Good enough reason to ask BM to delay possession?

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So I can see that maybe I'm just paranoid, but I always get such good honest feedback from all of you.

Here's the question, then the explanation.

Is it dangerous for 4yo SD to be with BM when BM has no phone,(house or cell) and no car?

My thoughts are that means if there is an emergency, BM cannot take SD to safety or the emergency room, and she does not have a phone to call for help. That to me is dangerous for SD.

Thursday night was the longest night I've had in a while, worrying about my little sd at BM's.

My fellow tax payors, would you report her to the IRS?

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While DH and I have been getting along very well with BM, BM is continuing in her downward spiral and for some reason I continue to be surprised.

BM was being evicted from her apartment and desperatly seeking money. She almost egerly reported to me, in front of SD, that it looked like she was going to have to start stripping. I am happy to hear she has decided to take a job as a cocktail waitress at a restaurant instead.
