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Facebook or should I call it Fakebook


So you understand my frustration, I will give a back story. DH sent me a text one day asking "IS exH having another kid". My response was "why" and "How the hell would I know". I was being serious.

ExH and I do not talk period, text only about the kids and day swops. The last time I talked to exH was a week ago, before that 6 months. We do text anything neccessary about the kids, easier that way.

So DH sends me a screenshot of my ExH's Ex? current? who knows gf's FB saying she had yet another baby. Whatever, I dont care.

4 days a month


You know around here and at my house "4 days a month" gets spouted off all the time. So I have been thinking about it. At first I was like "yeah it's only 4 days and I have dh everynight". Ok so DH's job sent him 4 hours away to work, it started in November. So I don't see DH everynight. There has been times I've only seen him 24 hours. DH currently is scheduled to come back to our town to work the end of march.

What and Why? Society? Rant---


I have officially been in stephell almost 2 years, unofficially 4 years. DH and I have been together 5 years, almost 2 years married. I remember year 2 when DH and I were dating, we decided we were serious and it was time for the kids to meet us. I remember having very little issues with his kids, they were like 4 and 7 at the time.



Well the SDs haven't been to our house but once since christmas. It was a weekend full of choas and noise as usual. Fights about them actually changing clothes when we go somewhere, not wearing the same thing all weekend long.

BM calls about SM


So DH is out of town working, 4 hours from us, so he's staying there during the week. And coming home on the weekends if he can. The weekends he can't make it home, he's asked me and our baby to come up and stay with him, which we have.

Anyways, BM apparently calls DH and tells him that SHE is receiving calls looking for "SM previous name" and to let me know they are calling her ALOT.



I haven't posted in months. The skids haven't been here since christmas since DH is working in another state currently. They'll be back in March for the ysd's birthday, gotta get that gift.


I just wondered why everyone in DH's life are such liars. My MIL's are liars and selfish. DH is a liar and really selfish. His ex LIAR, his kids - LIARS. His friends LIARS.

It makes me wonder why, what's the point. Let me give this scenario.

Christmas - No more thank you


Well dh got his skid marks thursday through sunday. I had my children as well as our dd15mo. We picked up all the kids, went to MIL and FIL's to eat dinner. Once done we all went back to our house to open up gifts.

I walked in to get my camera because this is the first christmas that DD will be opening anything. I looked around the tree and was like "whoa". It was much more than what I had wrapped that DH bought for everyone. So I'm thinking MIL and FIL must have done more than she told me she was going to do.

More disgusting panties


Oh yes my fellow stalkers, more messy panties. I decided to be nice and do laundry. Its DHs job but he is out of town. I took the clothes out of the kids bathroom. Start putting clothes in the washer and find the first pair of shitty underpants.

Please BM


Well DH has been doing well not talking to the kids through BM daily. He's put almost a complete stop to that because SD11 has a phone and he told BM if he couldn't talk to her on that, he'd call periodically but NO MORE nightly calls.

BM says DH can't talk to SD11 and SD8 on that phone and all NIGHTLY calls MUST go through her. OK crazy, so DH sees them supposedly EOWE, he calls maybe 1-2 times between seeing them.
