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Facebook or should I call it Fakebook


So you understand my frustration, I will give a back story. DH sent me a text one day asking "IS exH having another kid". My response was "why" and "How the hell would I know". I was being serious.

ExH and I do not talk period, text only about the kids and day swops. The last time I talked to exH was a week ago, before that 6 months. We do text anything neccessary about the kids, easier that way.

So DH sends me a screenshot of my ExH's Ex? current? who knows gf's FB saying she had yet another baby. Whatever, I dont care.

I asked DH why he was stalking her and my exH. It was disturbing to me and he needed to cut it the hell out, it wasn't my business and it sure as hell wasn't any of his business.

Let me say DH has done this since we have been together for the last 4 years, at least once every 3-4 months. WTH man, none of your business.

SD11 and I had words about her damn iphone over the weekend. For 1 she was told not to bring it but whatever. 2 she was on it all day saturday when they arrived and even during our trip to stores. She had enough nerve to ask for it back, when DH finally woke up and took it from her, per our agreement. I asked her what she needed it for, nothing was her response.

I said whatever I am not saying anything anymore, you are here what 4 days a month to VISIT YOUR DAD. DH interrupts with it's barely that. I walked away. DH gave it back to her later that day. I am DONE with this.

I took my older kids to school today and BD10 says that SD11 was bragging about her facebook and showing her all kinds of pictures from it. She wasn't so much tattling as saying that SD11 has the same picture from one of the Southern Classy on her page. This page isn't really something you want an 11 year old to have access to 24/7. The one they saw this morning was just a jacket, but they have lingerie too.

So I dropped off the kids and decided to snoop, since this is acceptable behavior for DH in my life, well correction my exH's life, again WTH? I type in his 11 year old's name and up pops her picture. It's her with another girl her age, in the school bathroom, selfie. Looking like they were having a grand old time. OK. I look at her profile, for 1 she's lied to get it, BM knows because BM is on her friend's list.

Number 2 her profile isn't locked, because I can see everything on it and I'm not her friend. Number 3 SD11 has it written on their that she "attended XYZ college" as if this kid has or is a college student. So being the big bitch I am, I forwarded it to DH.

He didn't have much to say until I said to him "so you have nothing to say about your 11 year old daughter on facebook, saying she's a college student. wow". He called me and swears he
"will be talking to them tonight"

Yes I did it to show him to mind his own business, not my EXH's business. I am not friends with BM, SD or any of their friends period. BM's page isn't locked all the way down either. Apparently if you are collecting welfare, you can lie and say you are the "owner of proof reading inc". Man!

Well I know where SD11 and SD8 get their habitual lying from. It amazes me how many people just lie on facebook. I don't put my drama out there but I don't lie I work somewhere I don't. I don't pretend to be MOTY mom because I'm not. I share pictures of my kids with my ACTUAL friends and family, not the one's I collect on facebook.

I really hope DH opens up his eyes real soon before he's faced with something he doesn't like.



I think I am more disguisted that a mother would allow her 11 year old to be on their lying and taking pictures in the bathroom and posting them on facebook.

I guess I am just a "prude" but I don't see it.

I use mine for the same reasons you do. Old friends who live away and family who isn't close by.


DH doesn't get to have the password. This kid is accessing it from her own iphone. I will again say since seeing this, I don't want her bringing the phone in my home around my bd10 and our toddler.

She isn't my kid, so Yeah I don't get a say but why would you want your child under the age of 13 on there? I am just curious, my BS13 has one and he's almost 14, he is on there while I am watching him, I approve his friends and I know what he's doing. He isn't accessing it without me/dad and he isn't taking selfies in the bathroom.



I guess that's why I was more than happy to inform him. His focus should be HIS KIDS, not my Exh and whatever flavor of the month he has. I don't even know all of them but he keeps them away from my kids now, so I dont care.

Snowflake's picture

I like you, have no desire to look up my ex's facebook. He is not my problem anymore.

I really don't get the selfie obsession. I will admit that I sometimes stalk high-conflict BM's facebook, but only for shits and giggles. She is a 45 year old women who posts silly selfies (of her face only and not her rotund body) almost every day.

It screams desperation, especially since after nearly a decade of divorce she is still single. She even blogs about how lonely she is without a man. It is hard to believe that an extremely frigid, self-obsessed, golden uterus bm narcissist can't find another victim -er- boyfriend.