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minerva385's Blog

My Husband was arrested last night...

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Three police officers came to our home at about 9:30 last night to arrest my husband on a warrant that had popped up in their system. This warrant was for a $150 fine from about six years ago. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS and you need THREE police officers to do the deed. Seriously? This further confirms that our judicial system, as well as the police force does not have a clue as to what they're doing. The police men claimed that the warrant was issued about six years, if it has been an active warrant for SIX YEARS, then why was he not arrested previously?

I wish I could go back...

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About two years ago, my Hubby and I were homeless. It wasn't intentional, although what homelessness is? We had given notice on our apartment, because we were to move into a house that one of his good friend's parents owned and was going to rent out to us. They weren't going to charge us a deposit, so we hadn't saved any money for this. Well, it came time that we needed to be out of our apartment, but the house wasn't ready for us to move into yet. (The whole time it was, "yeah it'll be ready we just have to to A, B, C, etc)

Stressed to the max!

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Yesterday was payday. I only get paid once a month. My check was lower than I estimated (and I always guess low to give myself a little cushion). After paying bills, and buying a grocery store gift card (we've done this for a couple years now...ensures we ALWAYS have food money), and dog food, we only have $111.00 left. I don't know how we're going to make it through the month. There's NEVER been this little money left for the month. NEVER. I already had my student loans deferred for a few months and I'm not paying Hubby's child support. I don't know what we're going to do.

I've missed you...

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Hubby and I have been fighting a LOT lately. It seems like everyday for the past few weeks we have had at least one huge blow out that leaves us both furious, not talking, and sometimes not even in the same room for the whole entire day. Our sex life has suffered tremendously and obviously our relationship in general. I've been thinking about calling a quits. That much fighting, that intense, is not something I want to spend the rest of my life doing.

I am excited!! :)

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We found out last week that we were going to get to have SD5 here with us this summer for a few weeks. Only crappy thing about it is WE have to drive the 1200 miles (one way) to get her AND drive the 1200 miles (one way) to bring her home. That's almost 5,000 miles in less than a month. A lot of driving, but I think it will probably be worth it.

sometimes I think I need to stay away from StepTalk while I'm at work....

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I was reading some posts about Child Support and Injured Spouse claims and all that jazz. It got me interested again because I never really could pin an answer down to how the "injured spouse" thing works and led me to do some "googling"...

What I found basically told me that BioBitch will get half of MY return even though Hubby did not work at all in 2009. What I read said that they will split the return right down the middle, giving half to BioBitch due to Hubby's arrears and half to me.

Anyone around know the court process in Indiana????

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We are seeking to file for visitation (there are no current court orders on file) for SD, at the very least. We can't really afford to hire an attorney, so we were wondering if there is anyone on here that is familiar with the custody/visitation process in Indiana. Here are our questions so far...

What forms need to be filed to set things in motion?

Where can you get the needed forms?

What do the courts look at when deciding for/against visitation?

How long does this process typically take?

it is NOT my responsibilty to make YOU happy...

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I've been reading a lot of others' posts today and I've noticed a theme. Many of the posts, answers, comments, etc that I've read have pretty much said that since we love our husbands, we should try to make them happy. Now, I'm all for doing nice things for the ones we love because it will make them happy (ex: I bring my husband home a Dr. Pepper because I know he really likes them and I also know he won't walk down to the gas station to get one), but what I'm not ok with is this idea that I should be RESPONSIBLE for their happiness.

UPDATE from my forum post: Received a message saying that SD is being abused...please help!!

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UPDATE from my forum post: Received a message saying that SD is being abused...please help!!!

This is quite long...

We made the decision to confront BM about all of the accusations we were hearing. We also sent messages to BM's MIL to try to get her side of the story.
