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lylagarrett's Blog

Messed Up

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Well I just messed up! It was stupid and immature, but it felt good at the time. Now I just have to live with the consequences. The ex just drove my place of business while I was out getting the mail and on instinct my middle finger went up as she was driving by and while she was looking at me I happened to call her a female dog. Anybody else ever do something dumb and regret it later?


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Well I'm not sure whether to be happy or what. We still ended up having to pay the bitch from hell $6412.00 but I guess that's better than the orginal $14,000.00. She was caught in lie after lie, but yet the judge still ruled in her favor for one year of child support, which was the year after the SD turned 18. I don't understand it, but I guess some laws have changed that alternative schools are included and that's what the judge ruled by. But now we heard her tell the assistant DA that she would be filing some kind of charges on medical bills.

Family Event

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Well yesterday was my hubby's Aunt and Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party. We got a call earlier in the day from SS asking for directions on how to get to the party. He showed up! Of course the SD was a no call, no show! If she doesn't get something out of an event or if she won't be center of attention then she doesn't come. She is so much like her biomom it is scary! Hubby says it doesn't bother him, but you can see on his face in expressions when people would ask where his daughter was that he is still hurting. Not only does it hurt him but it hurts his parents too.

Hatred.........Pure Hatred!

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I was taught as a young child not to hate. I was told you don't really hate this/her/it you just don't like it very much. As I've grown older I have tried to live by those rules, but I can now say that hatred isn't a strong enough word for what I feel towards my husbands ex-wife. I have finally had enough of her and her lies, manipulations, etc. I went through a few months of complete depression because of her that I had to be put on an anti-depressant and see a counselor!


lylagarrett's picture

I stumbled upon this sight while surfing the internet and I couldn't believe how many people go through the same grief that my family is going through.

A little background information on my family. I have been married to my husband for 14 years and his ex-wife has been a thorn in our side from day one. I have a 21 year old SS and a 19 year old SD and a 10 year old BS.
