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Messed Up

lylagarrett's picture

Well I just messed up! It was stupid and immature, but it felt good at the time. Now I just have to live with the consequences. The ex just drove my place of business while I was out getting the mail and on instinct my middle finger went up as she was driving by and while she was looking at me I happened to call her a female dog. Anybody else ever do something dumb and regret it later?


Anonymous's picture

ahh like I told my 13 year old step daughter to go to hell. Of course she pushed me to limit with her 13 year old attitude and rolling of the eyes but that is still no reason for me not to have been the adult in the situation. I apologized of course and so did she. We hugged and later made cookies. But you know it takes 10 good things to negate the one bad thing. That was three years ago and that one incident still haunts me. Her mother won't let me or my husband forget it.

Sweetie's picture

Hey Lyla,
Well, just say, "oops, I was adjusting, something." And then, I was exercising my "free speech, per the constitution." You're all covered. Just recently learned this great excuse from my SD after the incident with her recent blog in which she declared that I was a sexual predator. So, you can't possibly have done anything worse. And she can't do anything to you. So, in the scheme of things, it's all even. Besides, I'm sure you were probably having a bad day.
Next time, you should have a margarita in each hand! It's okay, these things happen. Don't beat yourself up. By the way, let me know if you need to get some roller work scheduled. Tomorrow's a new day, so don't worry about anything that happened before. You've got a brand new slate to work with.
Take care of yourself and get that margarita.