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frustratedstepdad's Blog

Temporary Guardianship

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Well, SD22 and SD27 didn't even make it one day. SD22 was supposed to move the rest of her stuff into SD27's place this weekend. Well SD27 lives with her "boyfriend" and they got into a fight this past Friday night, so the boyfriend is kicking SD27 out. SD27 has been cheating on her "boyfriend". The boyfriend told SD22 that she can still rent a room so she and GS3 would have a place to stay and the rent would only be $350 a month. SD27 got upset and said she would disown SD22 if she still moved in, so SD22 isn't moving in.

D-Day Continued

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So now 5 days later than it should've happened, SD22 is finally moving stuff out of our place and is supposed to have it all moved out by this weekend. The last wrinkle I am stuggling with is that she is leaving GS3 with us until the 16th. SD22's reasoning is that she doesn't want it to be a drastic change for GS3. I told DW my objection over this, because I don't see how a week of him staying with us is going to make a difference. All it's going to do is give her another week of freedom.

D-Day Part II

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So SD22 finally came home yesterday and went straight up to her room and closed the door. DW was gone, and I felt it would be best to confront her together instead of me doing it. Well she was in her room for hours and I had things to do so I left. DW came back a little bit after I left. SD22 came downstairs and started cleaning up some of GS3's mess he made in our kitchen. SD22 says "It's going to be hell living with SD27". DW simply replied "Well, you should've got your own place then. No one is forcing you to live with SD27." SD22 stormed off and went upstairs.

D-Day: The Expulsion of the Freeloader

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So the day is here, the day my SD is supposed to be moving out. Yesterday I posted the following comment on facebook: "Grandparents should have the opportunity to just be grandparents and not have to be parents all over again". Well SD22 saw and knows I am talking about her. Actually I wasn't JUST talking about her, I was also talking about SD27 who signed over custody of her kids to the other set of grandparents, and all the other young kids out there having babies and expecting other people to raise them.

18 Days Till Freedom

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Only 18 more days until SD22 has to be out of our house. I think I'm gonna dance around the house naked when she gone. I have a feeling she's gonna try and tell us next week that she needs more time, but there is no way in hell she is getting more time. She's had plenty of money that she has blown on stupid stuff, so that's on her.

Tax Return Update

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So you guys remember how I told you that SD22 was going to claim her kid on her taxes this year instead of DW and I? And how SD22 told us she would get back around $3000 after she filed? Well DW helped her start her tax return last night. Guess how much she will get back if she files? She would get back $275, state and federal combined! LMAO!

Fake Boobies

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So as most of you know, we have given SD22 a deadline of April 1st to be moved into her own place with her son. Since late September, my wife and I have been the ones taking care of her son fulltime. We tried to step back and let her be more responsible for raising her own son, but that turned into a nightmare. So now we are back to raising him. Before, it was just that we watched and took care of him while she went to work. After that fuss she raised about not being able to take care of him, SD22 now doesn't even bother to lift a hand to help with her kid.

Tax Return Fraud

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So I started a tax return last night for DW and I. Last we put both SD22 and her son on our taxes, since we supported them both. Well come to find out that SD22 is filing taxes this year, AND is claiming her son. Which ultimately means we will probably owe the IRS this year since we both have jobs and won't have any dependants.

Goldilocks in her Bed

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Woke up to see that SD22 came home last night to sleep in her bed. I know that she is supposed to go party at SD27's (a COMPLETE deadbeat mom) place tonight. Makes me think that the guy she was staying with probably got tired of putting up with her rotten attitude. She's supposed to have math class at 8:30am Sat morning, which means she probably won't go.
