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Chmmy's Blog

Vacation time is over

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DS24 left this morning to go back home to his sweet girlfriend & their adorable bunnies. I told him today they have the right idea having bunnies instead of kids. After spending yesterday with 2 of my skids he agreed. Kidin of course, can't wait to be a grandma!

After he left i took a shower to get ready for work and got a sick feeling when I realized after work I had to go back home. No more excuses to stay at my parents home.

What a fun word...skids

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Im so used to referring to the beasts as skids, i said it to my H. He didnt catch it, maybe he thought I was stuttering or something.

My son 22 thinks it's a funny word too but then he said wait mom am I a skid? Yes son you are H's skid.

Just wait til I refer to his x as BM!

Thanks to the steptalkers who got me through some of these crazy days we call holidays. I do see that others have it worse but I also sometimes see the future like Aniki's entitled SD22 is my SD16 in 6 years only she will live us most likely or at least have a key.

Waiting for this holiday to end

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Anyone else waiting for Christmas break to end & these kids go back to school. I never thought Id utter those words as I used to be a teacher and my kids were awesome so I hated back to school especially when they were away at college.

Now my kids are out of state for work and breaks from school means the skids are home all day and the kids I nanny are home all day.

I was planning my next vacation on the ride home from airport

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Home for less than 24 hrs. Already been lied to by 2 people, annoyed by all, even DH. DH askd SDs to have their stuff out of washer & dryer so I can do laundry after vacation. Usually I do laundry at my mom's but really didnt feel like packing it up so I nicely folded SD16s clothes and put them on her bed so I can do laundry. Trying to be the bigger person/adult here instead of taking the pile and throwing it the floor like she does to DHs stuff. She fucking knew. She left the house and left that shit in there intentionally because daddy told her to do something to convenience me.

Be proud

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You made it through Christmas as a step parent! Be proud of yourself.

Hope all STalkers had the merriest Christmas possible.

I left town and left DH & skids behind. Merry Christmas to me! The 45 min ride home from the airport reminded me why I left.


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Just my luck, i leave Skidville for the holiday and BM decides to take the skids from Sunday morning til Christmas morning...and all of the skids even SD16 who usually refuses to go. A whole 48 hrs in a row while Im gone.

SD must be looking for presents from BM & her in-laws.

Gone for the holidays

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Im out of Skidville for the holidays! Im going to see my sweet bio son, 22. He's got big plans for us to eat tacos and watch movies. Sounds like a dream of quiet. Again last night just like the last time I was was flying out on a Satuday to see bio, the skids wanted to make me run for the airport on Friday night. Fighting, cussing, SS12 callded SD16 a whore, fat lesbian among other choice words. Yes 12 yrs old. SD16 is a bitch but not a whore or lesbian. Then they get DH involved and tell him what a shit father he is.
