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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Friday at last! It's been....interesting this week. Trying to shoo 'annoying' out the window. 

Eff off to:

  • People who think you are too stupid to follow instructions. Hey, poophead! I can do this 53 times and the result is the same: it doesn't work!!!!
  • Cold sores due to stress. My lip looks like I went 4 rounds with Rocky.
  • Skid weekend and I haven't yet made plans to be out of the house. I'm exhausted and those cold sores might not be solely due to stress.
  • A YUGE eff off to my soon-to-be-ex insurance company. 

OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Let's jump right into it:

  • Eff off to drivers who just HAVE to squeeze into the 3 foot space in front of me....when there is NO ONE BEHIND ME.
  • Eff off to people whining about the cooler temps and the inevitable upcoming snows of Winter. Don't like it? MOVE.
  • Eff off to a certain coworker who seems to think I sit around day after day just waiting for him to give me something to do.
  • Triple Eff Off to sanctimonious shi'theads who piously spout platitudes about which they know NOTHING.

OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Eff off to:

  • Farking insurance companies
  • Our timekeeping system being effed up AGAIN
  • This being a skid weekend (PigPen, please run away to New Zealand)
  • Tripping over the fan and bruising the CRAP out of my shins and right foot
  • Team mambers who think they need to store Every Bloody Thing on the share drive. Hello, buttheads, we're running out of space because you have 853 million pictures from that farewell luncheon in 2002 and every damn vacation you've had since 1997!!!
