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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We made it, Stalkers. Friday at last!!! Who else is ready for the weekend?

Eff off to:

  • Coworkers who send you an email, then immediately walk over to your desk to see if you read it. Can you give me one damn minute???
  • Coworkers who constantly nag Tech Support via email and p!ss them off. Dude, we need these guys to WANT to work with us. Not go "Oh, THOSE effers. Put it off."
  • DH's work. He's working this weekend AGAIN. My hubby needs some rest!

Hope you have a good weekend! *drinks*


OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We made it!! Just a few short hours until the weekend begins. I'd love to have a 2-day work week and a 5-day weekend. Same pay. LOL!

Eff off to:

  • The price of tires. I'd like to trade in DH's first born (SD22), but I'm pretty sure I'd have to pay even more.
  • Cootie carriers who INSIST on mingling. Puh-lease! STOP BREATHING ON ME, go sit at your freakin' desk, pick up that new-fangled invention called a 'telephone', and call me.
  • Friday afternoon meetings. Really? Nobody wants that. Nobody.



OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Welcome to Friday, STalkers! This is the last Friday of 2018, so no more Eff Off Friday until next year. *biggrin*

Eff off to:

  • system problems - I'm busy!!!
  • SD22 (still need to post about the Christmas Craziness...)
  • flat tire caused by a bigass nail
  • arseholes who are such YUGE arseholes they should just be called The Whole Ass. Go away.
  • 2018 and all of the health issues, financial problems, and drama.
