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SD15 Pregnant?

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I'm still pissed about the vandalism but my mind is on something else right now. I found a note in SD15s garbage can saying……

“ Daddy I'm sorry I hope you will still love me. I made a big mistake and I think I'm pregnant. Please don't hate me. I did it with ___ and I know you hate him and we didn't use a condom cause it kept falling off but he tried to pull out. I haven't had my period for 2 months and I'm scared. Please don't kick me out cause you said if we ever got pregnant you and TickedOff won't raise it. I'm sorry daddy please don’t stop loving me. I'm sorry”.

"Cheeeks" mabey I'm imature for LMAO at this.

TickedOff's picture

SD17 hadsome girlfriends over today to work on a project. They were pretty loud so I go to ask them to quite down. I can hear her friends saying "shhh shh I think someone's coming". So my noseyness got the best of me. when they think the coast is clear I peek my head in and see her with her butt facing the computer screen.
She is there in her underwear and has them pulled up like a thong. I overhear her say" babe you like my tattoo it says Cheeeks want me to twirk it for you?". I was going to say something but DH starteld me and peeked his head in then he burst open the door.

SD broke my air conditioner.

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Yesterday the air conditioner/heater would not work at all. This morning the repair man came to fix it. When he opened the doors that have the machine and the tubing for the air conditioner we were both in for a fucking shock. SD17 I repeat a fucking 17 year old! Did this crap. Inside the air conditioner machine closet there were bags of garage stuck on both sides. SD17's suitcase filled with garage was stuck in there. And a bag of pads with some used pads was stuck in there. I am not over exaggerating because I know this shit sounds unbelievable.

SDs Don't understand rules

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If you did not read my last post St.patricks day was by birthday and DH got me and RV. The SDs seems to think it is their present. They would not stop bugging me on my birthday mind you. SD17 wants to drive the RV and go camping with her friends. SD14 wants to have a slumber party in it. They both think they have the right to sleep in it whenever they want. I overheard them yesterday saying how they were going to sleep in it that night. I pulled them aside and outlined it for them.

SDs ruined my birthday surprise.

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My birthday is on st.patrick’s and it was my lucky day until the Skids shitted all over it. DH woke me up bright and early and blindfolded me. As he was leading me to my surprise SD17 and SD14 ran past us squealing “Oh my God you got an RV you got an RV”. So they ruined my surprise. DH got me a 2007 Gulfstream Tourmaster with all white interior. The perfect gift for a gal who loves taking road trips and who has been dropping hints about wanting to take a road trip across America. So a high five to my hunny for listening to me.

The 2 little pigs are about to make me blow this house down. Afer I vomit

TickedOff's picture

You would think that at 15 and 17 you would know better than this shit. After chewing them out about being so filthy they went and cleaned their rooms. I went to check because I am a neat freak. If you have a soft stomach you may not want to continue reading.

Two freackin pigs for stedaughters. What ever happened to being lady like?

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My 2 SD's 15 and 17 are freakin pigs. I'm talking about so nasty you won't even believe half this crap. I just got done cleaning their bathroom. I just re decorated it last week. No lie today when I walked in there, there was hair and slimy sludge all over the bathtub. The toilet had a thick shit ring and when I lifted the toilet sit there was splatters of pee. Why would GIRLS have a splatter of pee under the toilet seat? The garbage can was overflowed with bloody pads and food and wrappers with ants all over them.
