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thinkthrice's Blog

Pumpkinhead (OSS 23.5) Sings the Praises of his "Family"

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on social media (Girhippo clan of course).  Says he is "proud of this family's morels"  (sic)

As regards their circling the wagons in times of crisis (the coronavirus)

Also found out that the Gir pulled the HousesHitter (YSS 17) out of school after last week's truancy days before the school closed because of Corona.   Umm he never attends school anyway...

O/T Let's Talk About Something Fun!

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What qualities do you find attractive?

For me it is VOICE!   I will date myself but I love voices like Michael McDonald, Kelsey Grammer, Kenny Loggins.  Oddly enough, Chef is an epic fail in this department.  He is a bit of a high talker but VERY loud.

My first ex had a "face for radio" but his voice was definitely broadcasting quality.  What is attractive to you (besides someone who is child-free)?

Truant AGAIN

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Yep the HousesHitter (YSS 17) has blown off school today and has shown up tardy all of this week as well as last week.  NO disciplinary action by the school!  And no, we have no Covid 19 outbreaks/scares around here for now.

And yes, I am stalking.  It just affirms that the way the Gir and Chef "parent" produces societal trainwrecks.


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Needless to say I will be keeping an eye on the Gir's house to see if it hits the market.  Chef told me that there's no way the Gir would move without taking her BM, Battleaxe Gallactica with her.  So will be keeping an eye on that house too!

Fingers crossed that the whole clan moves to NC (my advance apologies to anyone living there now)

And she'd most likely take the Animal Torturer SD21 with her.  HousesHitter has a GF (how I don't know).  He seems WAAAAYYY more into her than the reverse.

Soup In Cauldrons Is OUT OF BUSINESS!

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The Gir sold everything on FB Marketplace.  Lock stock and of course, BARREL.   CLOSED as of February 23rd!

No explanation as to why she rolled up the sidewalks!!  There's a photo of them all all smiley faced.  They look relieved that the business is done.  Of course having your own business is a LOT of WORK which is anthema to the Gir.


I'm IN!

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Doofus Houseshitter (YSS 17) accepted my request to follow him on his private IG account (with my faux account of course)

Mostly just a bunch of vids with him smoking weed in his room to rap music.


Anyway now I'll be able to track when he emancipates himself.

Blum 3

Workplace RANT Mrs. Headlights!

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Mrs. Headlights, who is the "office wife" of our manager, aka "Dr. Phil" has made me roll my eyes into my head!

Backstory: for those of you who work in IT, there usually is a ticketing system database in which people enter in their issues, complaints and needs as far as computer hardware/software/servers, etc. is concerned.

I've been keeping a dossier on Mrs. Headlights in case it comes back to bite me (due to her office wife status) for two years now.   She misassigns EVERY.SINGLE.TICKET with no reason or logic behind it. 
