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StepmomWifeTeacher's Blog

Child Support Struggle is Real

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Is anyone’s family or DH struggling with paying too much child support? How much is too much? Shouldn’t there be a limit to how much money the government can take out of our husband’s checks? I think $1200 a month for school age children is too much! DH wanted 50/50 custody and so did the kids, but BM wanted the money for her shopping addiction. My husband has filled out a full service case for the GA office to fix it, but it’s already been 5 months and we are still waiting on them. Talk about frustrating.

Lies to change schedule

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Goodness, I cannot keep up with the BM’s schedule change and the lies that follow. Just kidding, they are all in text. Lol I have 2 skids and my husband and I have been so nice to change the schedule during the summer to make the BM happy. You think it worked? Nope! She asked us to change the dates again, so she can go on vacation two weekends in a row. I’m mainly watching the skids and I do have the summer off, but I still have plans for myself. I’m nice though, so I accommodate the BM. Her schedule should be set now, right? Nope!


CS is used for her shopping addiction

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Well, I can’t say I’m not surprised. BM married an old rich man and still gets over $1000 in CS. Meanwhile our lease is almost up and me and DH have to find a new place to live. Rent has sky rocketed by hundreds of dollars and we are barely surviving as it is in our small apt with one bathroom. I have 2 skids and they don’t even have a big enough room for a bed. They have a futon. I want our situation to get better, but my husband is making less money and we have bills over our heads. We cut back a lot.

My Stepmom&Wife Situation

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I’m new to Steptalk, but I’m hoping this blog will allow me to release what I have bottled up. The truth of my situation is...

1. Married the love of my life. Plus!

2. He has two wonderful children. Plus!

3. I’m a fantastic stepmom & they love me. Plus!

4. The BM is a money hungry, geezer gold diggin, fake titty wearin, cake facin, teenage clothing wearing, ditsy dumb, and finally a word that rhymes with bunt, a bunt! Awe I feel so much better now. 

This is the straight truth plain and simple.