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smnikki's Blog

thank you st members that posted...

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yesterday to my blog about deleting my account...

i have read many posts before about other sites bashing st for the pettiness, negetive content on this blog, but i have to say that yesterday was a true example of the warm support that this site is able to provide! For that i want to say thank you to all you members that log on and provide your imput and knowledge for others to be able to vent, share, and gain perspective on the uphill battle we all know as step parenting!

how do you delete your account

smnikki's picture

so this morning on my way to work, fh calls to say we need to do some serious talking. He went online and read all my messages and blogs on steptalk.

needless to say things are not good, not because of the things i said necessarily, but because i repeated private info. I feel horrible now realizing how much he is hurt and says he no longer trusts me with private info.

i want to delete my account, can some one please tell me how...

im supposed to be getting married in 2.5 weeks....i guess we shall see

what age should kids be introduced to video games?

smnikki's picture

ss is 4 and did not want to play tball yesterday because he wanted to go to his moms and play video games?! Bm the lazy fat azz that she is did nothing...i just dont get it, to me 4 yo is too young to be caring about video games, my children will NOT be playing video games at this age. im sorry but if the kid cant even count to 20, wtf is he doing sitting in front of a tv playing games?

I know that i come from a very strict type of family where education is most important, so my views might be off, i was curious what your thought are!

going for pizza with mil!?...

smnikki's picture

im actually relieved! im so happy to be able to be my nice bubbly self with this woman who no matter what my fh loves because it is his mother. i would be a fool to think i could turn my back for one second, but seriously now that mil and i will be civil and what not, bm is just a speck of dust in the background to me!

i am praying for NO drama, ill update tomorrow, lol!

fh told bm to keep ss for the night...

smnikki's picture

there has been so much going on, and last night i finally told fh that i dont know if i can handle all the baggage. i cant read the future but i do know i have been able to weather through so far, and am still in love with him and want to marry him, but i know that i can not honestly say that forever i will be able to deal with ss, bm, and mil because i fear things will get worse.

We both agreed that if things were different we would hold off on the wedding, however, it has ALL been paid for already.
