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Rags's Blog

Whoopty Frickin Doo! The Kid will graduate on Monday.

Rags's picture

I know, I should be excited, proud, etc......

But, I am more disappointed than anything. Once again the kid managed to under perform. I swear this kid could fuck up a wet dream. Not because he does something wrong but because he chooses to do nothing.

So, he flunked out of the amazing boarding school his mom and I provided. We brought him home for his last semester of HS and on cue he made honor role the first six weeks at the new school. He barely passed the last six weeks.

**** OFFENSIVE CONTENT ****** I spanked my kid ..... and I would spank your brat too if they were misbehaving in my home.

Rags's picture

Okay everyone. Apparently once again I have missed some highly dramatic interplay in our community. My intro line was designed to get attention and induce cerebral activity regarding personal attacks, differences of opinion and any other discussion that anyone may take exception to.

Parenting is like any decision based activity. Nearly everyone would do something different in any given situation. So, why do some take extreme exception to a different decision??? Huhh????? Huhh?????? Tell me, tell me!!!!!!

Here are some things that some may take exception to:

The kid hit a home run on mother's day.

Rags's picture

The kid made up a BS story to get his mom to take him shopping. He ditched her at the mall and picked up a pair of custom wood I-Pod ear buds for her.

Then he took her out for sushi for dinner.

He did a great job. No one prompted him. This is the first time he has taken the initiative to do something for someone else. On his dime too.

Good job young man. I am proud of you.

Jonesing for some Stalker time!!!! and ....the Skid has not learned a thing.

Rags's picture

I have been in Qatar for a month now and have been going through wife, Skid and Stalker withdrawals.

Thanks for getting the site up and running again so us Stalker junkies can get our vent on.

You may recall that my SS had recently received his first 6wk Report Card and was on the honor role.

Well, meanwhile 4 wks later and back at the ranch ..........

Wisdom from MiddleMom "Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."

Rags's picture


Your signature line is absolutely correct. My wife and I have had exactly three fights.

1) The Skid and the SpermClan.

We have argued over a variety of issues in this category but the fights are always exactly the same.

2. Housework.

I hate it. She hates it. Neither of us is willing to be consistent. I fixed it by hiring a cleaning service and taking the laundry to the cleaner.

3) Her family.

Wow. It is amazing how much I miss my wife and kid.

Rags's picture

Thanks in advance for letting me go on a man-pout session.

I have been in Qatar for a week. This is my first extended business trip in ~5yrs. This trip has highlighted how amazing the family situation my wife, son (SS) and I have developed.

We really do thrive off of the interface we have with each other.

The kid passed his Sr project presentation the second time around.

Rags's picture

So, he has only regular course work and a couple of term papers to go and he will graduate. (knock on wood and cross your fingers).

My wife is on her own with him for two weeks while I am in Qatar working on a business proposal.

We shall see if she has disposed of his body when I get home in a couple of weeks.

Best regards,

The Skid's Report Card ------- HONOR ROLL WTF??????

Rags's picture

So, last night I checked the mail when I got home. The Skid's report card was in the box. I opened the envelope and burst out laughing. Whay you may wonder ....... he made the high honor role GPA of 3.58.

My wife pops in the room and asks what is so funny. I handed her the report and she turned purple and started her "I am gonna kill that damned kid" mantra. She had to have repeated it 4 or 5 times.

She was more mad at him for making the honor role than she was when he flunked out of Boarding School (Military) at Christmas time.

The EVIL SpermClan strikes back!!!

Rags's picture

So, my Brother flew in from Singapore on a last minute business trip last week. Dad called and asked it I could fly home (Mom and Dad's is always home) to spend the weekend with my Baby Bro. I dumped some frequent flier miles and spend Th - Mon at Mom and Dads with just Mom, Dad, little bro and I. This is only the second time since we both married 16yrs ago that the origninal Rags clan has been together without spouses and the sucubi (4Grand Kids).

We had a great Rags weekend. Spending time with my bro and parents is a great recharge for all of us I think.

....... and now the anger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rags's picture

Okay, right when I was in a prideful and pretty good place with my kid (SS) he proves beyond any doubt, once again, that he is the spawn of the SpermIdiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing this lazy and worthless could have possibly sprung from my loins. Which was never in question since I met his Mom when he was 1yo.

While I was writing my previous blog he went upstairs to call his Mom and discuss the afternoon and the plan for Springbreak. Once I posted my blog I went up to find out about the discussion.
