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"I would love to keep you away from him but I would never keep him away from you!"

Rags's picture

I watched Teen Moms on MTV the other night. One of the characters (Macy) said this to her son's baby daddy.

"I would love to keep you away from him but I would never keep him away from you!" She was expressing her feelings of how the baby daddy was not someone she wanted to be around her son but that her son deserved to have a relationship with his daddy.

Macy's baby daddy is some ways reminds me of my own Skids SpermIdiot. Can't stand on his own two feet. Needs his mommy and daddy to fight his battles for him, put a roof over his head, pay for his attorney in an attempt to intimidate the BM, and tell him what to do and how to do it, cares for his child most of the time during visitation, etc…….

What an amazing and magnanimous perspective for an 18yo to have.


Persephone's picture

My girls watch this show... One day, I could over hear them talking about a girl at their school who is 15 and preggers... My daughter says.. what is she thinking? So big deal her boyfriend has a job at Mc Donald's, like that is some sort of life.. and did you hear she is dropping out.. what kind of example is that for your kid? What is her future? Her friend says, OMG, I know... she should have watched Teen Moms. I have learned so much of what not to do by that show. They went on an on about different episodes.

I am glad that that show is getting through to a few kids.

Eagle Eye's picture

"I would love to keep you away from him but I would never keep him away from you!" Macy is the only one on that show that has any sense! She knows how to be a mom! Her ex-bf Ryan....every time he is on camera he is yawning!! No enthusiasm whatsoever to see his son! Sad

And Amber...don't get me started on her!! I can't believe that she hit Gary but the way she yells at her baby is unbelievable!! I feel sorry for that kid growing up in that kind of environment!

starfish's picture

i don't watch teen mom's, i just agree with rags!! the nose rubbin' sold me dear speep...

whatever you say i support, unless i totally disagree... 4 vodka/ruby reds speaking

Rags's picture

I am a Team Macy and Team Catelynn/Tyler guy myself. Macy reminds me a lot of my wife as far as her attitude and maturity as a young single teen mom and Catelynn and Tyler are just really good kids with horrible parents (except for Tylers mom) who are trying to figure out their place in the world and how to grow up and have a life.

Farrah is a priveledged bitchy brat who has major character issues (who would't with her mother) and Amber is just a road whore.

I am rooting for all of them.

I watched them when they were on 16 and Pregnant which I started watching because I wanted some perspective on what my wife went through when she became a teen mom at 16.

These kids can have a good life. Though she had her son (my SS) when she was 16, my wife went on to graduate with her class, completed a dual major BS with honors, an MBA with honors and is a CPA. We have gotten our son (my SS) through HS and to 18 without any major issues beyond some academic laziness.

My wife is amazing though she will not recognize it. She always sais "If I can do it, anyone can do it. Just because you have a kid at 16 does not mean you have to be a statistic".

starfish's picture

i believe rags went thru a rough time, too.... and him & dw managed and planned accordingly.... i don't ever remember rag's wife being a gold digger...

starfish's picture

LUV, then you should be proud and hope your offspring is as bright as you.....

we all have been dealt different hands and come here to share and be supported, let's just be here for each other..... and learn from miles in shoes we have not walked in....

starfish's picture

thnax, skids...shit faced and speaking well.... good for me..... honesty is the best policy, right?

Rags's picture


Sure, she (my wife) married an older guy. But, we met in college when I was a semester away from finishing my 11yr undergrad career. We married 5mos after I graduated with my engineering degree. I had a boat load of school and consumer debt,half ownership in a condo and my 8yo pick up truck. Other than that, all we had was my degree, a condo full of college furniture and my job making $28K/yr base. So, other than the age difference it was not a May-September marriage between an affluent older guy and a young woman of little means.

She moved far from home to start school with no family to help and little resources besides school loans,two or three part time jobs, WIC, subsidized day care, a small amount of welfare and $100/mo CS from the SpermIdiot. She would have finished school sooner if we had not married. We did marry and we have made a very notable life together.

6mos after my wife and I married my brother and I sold our condo. I got $8K from that which was a God send.

Since we married we have finished a dual major BS (her), two MBAs (one each), and two professional certs (one each). Both of our careers have thrived, we are debt free except for our two week old mortgage, we sent our son (my SS) to a top 20 boarding school, helped friends and family when they have been in financial binds, and done pretty well financially.

So, your "obvious" statement that "education a little more attainable when you have a "sugar daddy" in your corner" is certainly true but it has absolutely ZERO relevance to my wife, me or our marriage. We have built every thing we have together. Other than my degree and the minor property I had when we married, neither of us brought any assets to the marriage.

I know you are not knocking her and I know that the assumption would be that your "sugar daddy" statement would apply to us. But, it is not accurate in our case.

You did it on your own. We did it together. But you and we started at the same place.

You and my wife, are an amazing young woman of courage and character who started as a single teen moms, educated your selves and raised good kids. It could have easily gone very very wrong. It didn't for either of you. My signature line applies to both of you.

You should be proud of yourself, as I am of my wife.

Best regards,

MyLifeMyRules's picture

If you took Amber and Farrah and squished them into a big BM with a big bad red dye job and gave the thing you made 8 yrs to learn how to sharpen its evil powers - you would have a clone of my DH's sons BM.

oneoffour's picture

FArrah lives in the next city to me.

My daughter's friend was at her plastic surgeons office and she texted my daughter... Farrah was having a consultation with her plastic surgeon. DDs friend has had repeated surgeries for hare lip correction for the past 20 yrs. I know the girl and she is the sweetest thing. But she said Farrah was being a real bitch to her mother...again.

She also works in a local bar behind the scenes. Apparently the word around town is she is a self entitled princess. You THINK?